Info and forum posts by 'takreem'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 18th January 2006, 17:38, Last used: Tuesday, 26th September 2006, 11:00

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Watcher

This user has posted a total of 17 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: CD Radio Cassette on Buy today!

Have the CD Radios been and gone ? - been watching but didn`t see `em ?

DVD Hack for winners of the DVD player

At least if you got the same one I did ( SANYO DVD-SX20 ) :D

1. Switch on the DVD Player
2. Confirm that `NO DISC` is displayed on the display panel
3. Press the `Display` control key on the remote control. Select `Video`
4. Input `1,3,5,7` via the remote control
5. The confirmation screen for the version of the firmware should display
6. The region code can be changed (0-6) using the `Up/Down` key on the remote control. `0` is free and `2` is standard for Europe.
7. Finally, press the `Display` control key on the remote control to confirm choice

Set mine to Region 0 and its playing everything perfectly !

RE: Is Kitkash on the slide??

These go so fast that I do wonder if people track down the page before the auction officially goes live and click on buy anyway just to see what happens ...

Cannot believe 200 would go in seconds - average 2 minute auction gets what - maybe 70 to 150 hits ?

There must be people with a workaround on these - it just beggers belief otherwise.

That level of activity would see a 2 minute auction getting 600 to 800 hits !

This item was edited on Monday, 24th April 2006, 16:47

RE: Is Kitkash on the slide??

Got one ( just ) but link was immediately gone when I went back to check the T&Cs !

No wonder I missed the phones - its a bit damned quick isn`t it

J. :/

RE: RD does it again

won some purdy flowers - and excited that Must Love Dogs final dropped through the letterbox !

RE: Welcome back Anni :-)

ohh ! I won some flowers on a nice short Auction - but then missed the aerial picture I was hankering after !

RE: Welcome back Anni :-)

As an under bidder ( although MUCH under the winner ) I would also be interested in their response !

RE: Welcome back Anni :-)

Yeah I noticed the T&C`s changed on the KitKat Chunkies ( NE05 ) - suspect was an error that will be conveniently overlooked ( certainly haven`t recieved MY box ! )


Indeed - but strict interpretation of the Terms on the auction is if you make ANY bid - you will be sent a box. It`s the ONLY auction with T&C`s worded this way too

Perhaps they really ARE desperate to get rid off them !


On the Peanut KitKat Chunky`s the T&C`s say :

"3. Each person who bids for the selected item from the KitKash site will receive the item within 28 days. "

Sounds good to me !


how can that be ? did we ever resolve if they are doing them in batches of 50 or so at a time ?


did anyone get one ?? hit buy 15 seconds after it went live and got "out of stock" message ???


... and just for my reference - which email address would you be using for that ?? - as I can`t get a response out of Nestle for love or money ...

I`m guessing that it`s not for nothing that there is no "contact us" address in the FAQ`s

RE: Availability of Kitkash products

OK - so , been lurking but not posting so far ( as have nothing interesting to say )

BUT - won a Must Love Dogs DVD on 2nd Feb and haven`t recieved it yet - emails to Nestle going unanswered - can anyone either give me a working email address OR tell me a useful contact to sort this out ? - Littlewoods delivered Ok and quick enough - and even Firebox pulled through eventually - but I have nothing so far from WB - am I alone here or is this a shared problem ??


J. >:(

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th March 2006, 23:19