Info and forum posts by 'ewan robb'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 21:51, Last used: Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 21:51

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Wharefdale 750 DTS Sound Problem


I spoke to Wharfedale about the problem. If your machine doesn`t have a DTS logo on it it may not play DTS. There is a lot of confusing information on the web about whether the 750 (original machines) can or cannot play DTS soundtracks. I was told that only some of the original machines could play DTS, mine is one of them. My player does however play RCE discs. My firends 750 player plays DTS discs but not RCE discs.

Would be intersted to here how you are getting on.


RE: Wharfedale 750 and DTS

I own a Wharfedale 750 and it doesn`t output DTS. I have a thread running with a fair bit of correspondence on the matter. You are corect in saying you need to determine the model you have. My player will not play DTS but it will play RCE discs. A friend has a 750 player, his plays DTS but not RCE discs. Both players do not have a DTS logo or LED on it. I have contacted Wharefdale for a definitive answer on this as there is a lot of conflicting information on the Web. I was told that some of the earlier players did output DTS even though they didn`t have a DTS logo. My player is one that doesn`t output DTS. if you want guaranteed DTS you need a machine with a DTS logo on the front.

Hope this helps.........Ewan

RE: Sony STR-DB 940 DTS Sound Problem


I would be grateful to hear how you get on. If it is a DVD player problem then I will try contatcing them about the same thing. Do you know what model of player you have. I have a 750 player, second generation based on the information on the web, it will play RCE protected discs (The Patriot) but won`t play DTS soundtracks. My friend at work has the same player, his will play DTS but not RCE discs (the plot thickens), we think he has the first generation of the 750 player. The two machines must have different chips. I have also read that newer DVD players have to be enabled to play DTS discs, there is nothing in my instruction manual about this so I assume it is not required.

Good luck........Ewan Robb

RE: Sony STR-DB 940 DTS Sound Problem


I have been surfing on the matter further. Depending on what site you visit it would appear that some of the original 750 players were not capable of DTS transmission but others say it was. I have sent an e-mail to Wharfedale to see if they can shed any light. Will let you know what they say.

Thanks again for your help.........Ewan Robb

RE: Sony STR-DB 940 DTS Sound Problem


I have been surfing on the matter further. Depending on what site you visit it would appear that some of the original 750 players were not capable of DTS transmission but others say it was. I have sent an e-mail to Wharfedale to see if they can shed any light. Will let you know what they say.

Thanks again for your help.........Ewan Robb

Sony STR-DB 940 DTS Sound Problem

I have a Sony STR-DB940 amplifier hooked up to a Wharfedale 750 DVD player. The components are hooked together using Digital Co-ax. Eveything is OK when I play Dolby Digital DVDs however if I play a DTS film the amplifier does not appear to get a signal and I get no sound. The display on the amplifier displays the word "UNLOCK" when I select the DVD/LD mode. I cannot find anything in the instruction manual about what this means so don`t know if this is my problem or not. I have tried a different DVD player made by a different manufacturer and the problem is the same - no sound when a DTS soundtrack is played through the amplifier. Has anyone experienced the same sound problems when playing DTS soundtracks through the amplifier? Does anyone know what the word "UNLOCK" means when DVD/LD mode is selected?

Thanks and regards............Ewan Robb

RE: Wharefdale 750 DTS Sound Problem

Following the problems I am having getting DTS from my Wharfedale player I got a friend to bring up his Pioneer DVD player. We played a couple of DVDs with DTS sound. Again when we switched to DTS the sound from the AMP went dead and no signal was received by the AMP. It would appear to be an amplifier problem and not a DVD player problem in my case. My amplifier which is Sony STR-DB940 comes up with the message UNLOCK when I switch to the DVD player setting. The instruction manual has nothing in it about this message so I am at a loss as to what it means. Does anyone else have the same Amplifier and experience the same problem with DTS sound?

Thanks and regards ...........Ewan Robb

RE: Wharefdale 750 DTS Sound Problem


I am trying to play the Eagles DVD. My friend at work has the same basic setup as me just a different AMP. The Eagles play fine on his machine. I think I have the first version of the 750, it has no DTS logo or LED on the front. My friend at work has the same player. I selected the DTS soundtack on the Disc. I can flick between no sound and PCM sound by pressing the Audio button on the remote. According to information I can get on the web all 750 players are DTS capable but how true this is I don`t know.

Thanks for your help.........Ewan

RE: Wharefdale 750 DTS Sound Problem


Thanks for your responses but still no luck. My AMP is DTS capable but this is the first time I have tried it. I use a digital co-ax cable to hook the AMP to the player - this works for Dolby Digital. My player is set up for Bitstream but still no sound. I have tried switching between bitstream and PCM, I get sound when set to PCM. I am at a bit of a loss as to what to try next. My AMP is a Sony DB940. Any ideas?


Wharefdale 750 DTS Sound Problem

I have a Wharefdale 750 player. It works fine with Dolby Digital sountracks but when I try a DTS disk I get no digital signal sent to my amplifier. Has anyone else experienced the same problem? If so how did you get round it.