Info and forum posts by 'Paul S Bryant'

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RE: cyber home 512 rce?

I can second that. I got the downgrade from the M(1)uffy site, and burnt it to CD. Downgrade worked exactly as described. I have played Region 1 disks with no problems. I set/left the output signal as Automatic. I am getting a very good picture on my TV (Sony KV32FX60). I am guessing this is because the output signal is switching automatically to NTSC (because of the region 1 disk), and not being converted to PAL50. You should be aware that the player does NOT convert NTSC to PAL60 (only PAL50). I understand this means that when NTSC is converted to PAL50, it comes out screwy - black & white etc. This has not been a problem on my TV, since it can apparently take NTSC.

Generally, picture and sound quality are as good as billed. Top machine.

This item was edited on Monday, 23rd April 2001, 08:25

RE: Cyber Home AD-M512 - multiregion out of box or not?

Well I`ll be...!

Here are the AltaVista translations, in the order of table records at

1. The Player has difficulties with the playback of the MPEG tone, which is to be found still on some DVDs. This is totally distorted shown. - the problem can be recovered as follows: With the remote maintenance call the?Effect? menu, by repeated pressing of the?Effect? key on?Audio 2ch? change, the?Effect? key again do press, in order to get again do the 5.1-Anzeige and thus multi-channel tone, and then the whole with?C? force away. Now the tone for the run time of the DVD is correctly shown!

2. The DVD has strong menu problems, while the film runs perfectly. With the bonus material the start display and the?Broken Disc? symbol appear after selection of various menu options, and the selection cannot be played. This problem occurs also with other Playern!

3. DVD is detected (NO DISC) and cannot not be played This problem occurs also with other Playern!

4. DVD runs not :)

5. There are from time to time picture distortions. If one presses the?Play? key during these distortions (tone continues to run normally), again the normal picture emerges.

6. (Matrix) With this disk it gives always times again a few Probs (not only on the CH!). Generally it runs however on the Cyber Home! In the latter,, was obviously the DVD admitted case to me defective. After conversion it ran perfectly!

7. Navigation problems in the menus of the second page. Often only an empty background is displayed, on which one sees then the selection items alone. Player fallow with title 53 (one the Japan Trailer) with " broken disc " off.

8. After in the extra menu?Making the OF? returns the Player was played to the menu, one has however no options more.

9. Problems and crashes with the Layerwechsel with 1) with 2) problem at the end of chapter 9. Picture freezes, and Player does not accept thereafter the DVD any longer. Only after 2 hours it could be played again (Disc?Broken? Symbol). The remainder goes, but the crash always is here. When skipping by section selection on start chapter 10 is then all ok.

RE: Cyber Home AD-M512 - multiregion out of box or not?

Sounds good. There is a blurb on the M(1)uffy site which says you can make the change as many times as you like. Under the "Cyber Home DVD-Player AD-M 212/512" page ( - below the "Setup" heading - there is a sentance which reads "The player can also be set to any region code individually - unlimited times!".

The theory with RCE is that the encoding on the disk detects where the machine is not set specifically to the same region code as the disk. That is, "multi-region" machines/settings will not work. However, if you can tell your player to act like it is Region 1 only, the RCE check succeeds and you can play the disk.

While we are on it, I am keen to see a translation for the German on the page "Cyber Home AD-M 212 / 512 - Problem-DVDs" ( Let me know if you have any leads.


RE: Cyber Home AD-M512 - multiregion out of box or not?


I have not tried the downgrade myself - so I can`t give a first-hand confirmation. I am sure I have seen a posting from someone - either on this forum - elsewhere within - or somewhere completely different. If you can`t find it here, do a general search on under "cyber home region" or add "firmware" in there. You should find it.

I have not bought one of these yet - but I probably will during the weekend. I am willing to foot the risk (touching wood right now :), so you can wait til after then if you like!

Also, I forgot to write in the posting above (can you believe I left something out!), you will have seen on the M(1)uffy site that you can also "flash" the start-up graphic on the A009.9 firmware. This is all very hazy on the site - so I am not so sure about this option. When you download the Ar3a0099.bin file, it is about the same size as the A008 and A006.7 bin files (once you download and unzip them). So I suspect this is just the full A009.9 firmware. Long and the short of it - I don`t know how to flash the A009 graphic - but if you could you would pressumably get to keep the A009 functionality (what ever that is) but get back your region hacks.

There`s the long story again. HTH

RE: Cyber Home AD-M512 - multiregion out of box or not?

I have been looking at the 512 pretty closely also. I have the hack details from the M(1)uffy site (, and went to Richer Sounds during the weekend. I got them to demo it for me. The first thing I tried to do was apply the region hack to play a region 1 disk. Of course the firmware was A009.9x, so the "secret menu" did not expose the required options.

So, out of the box, the 512 does not play non-region 2 disks, and does not allow you to apply the "secret menu" hack straight off. If you buy it, you will have to download the firmware downgrade (to A008 or A006.7), burn it to a CD (using the guidelines on the M(1)uffy site above - including CD burn settings), and run the CD in the player to update (downgrade) the firmware. There are some posts in this (?) forum which say this works fine - but the risk is yours.

With the A008 firmware version, the region hack is temporary - so you would have to enter the secret menu each time you restart the machine if you want to play non-region 2 disks. This is no major problem, cos it is quick to do.

The A006.7 version keeps the settings between restarts, but check out details at the list of bug fixes at Makes me think you should be going for the A008 version. Also, there are no details on that site about A009.9. I would be interested to see what you are losing by going back from A009.9 to A008 - anyone?

Richer Sounds markets a "multi-region" version of the 512 for £10 more. I am not sure whether they have just applied the firmware downgrade themselves, or whether they have physically chipped it. Normall chipping comes at a £50 premium, so I am guessing they have just done the firmware. However, they mostly do not carry these mr versions in the stores (only mail order) - so you either have to get one delivered to a store and check it out for yourself - or order one and return it if you dont see what you expect. The downside of a "multi-region" chipped player is that it may still not allow you to configure the machine for a single (other) region. If that is the case, the machine may fail the RCE check (ie., I understand you can get around RCE disks if you can set your machine to a specific region code for the region of the disk - rather than you machine being just "multi-region").

If you are willing to go through the firmware downgrade - I reckon this is a good machine to go for. It has more functionality than anything else in the price range, and apparently has totally acceptable picture and sound quality (8 & 9 out of 10 in DVD Buyer). Note, however, that while it converts NTSC to PAL, it does not output PAL60. So if you are trying to play NTSC (region 1) disks on a TV which is not NTSC compat, you will not get a decent picture. Also, it does not convert PAL to NTSC at all, so the same problem in reverse for US buyers. However, it is cheap enough for the purchase not to be too much of a mistake.

Long winded - but HTH