Info and forum posts by 'uniden'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 22nd April 2001, 19:53, Last used: Sunday, 22nd April 2001, 19:53

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


Please, Clayts, don`t confuse Brudvd`s single brain cell.....

This item was edited on Friday, 6th July 2001, 22:14

RE: Help please!!!! to choose a player for £150 - £200 that`s easily hacked to play reg.1

No one seems to have mentioned the Wharfedale M5 (£169 from all good Tesco`s). Hacked from remote, RCE compatable, plays dvd, vcd, mp3, audio cd etc...... Had mine for a while now with no complaints. Umm, no jog / shuttle though. Can`t win em all...


This item was edited on Monday, 2nd July 2001, 15:10

RE: samsung 511 or wharfdale m5?

Umm, M5 wins it for me.... For the money, I don`t you could get better value!!

RE: MINATO G1..... limited region changes?

Dunno about limited region changes but I`ve just got my hands on an M5 and its the `dogs` for the price. Go for it, you know it makes sense!!

RE: Logix v`s Warfedale....

Thanks for that, gruberstuber, can you disable macro?

Logix v`s Warfedale....

Hi guys, I am looking for something cheap!!! Whats your views on the Logix 3000 and Warfedale M5? How do they compare with each other with features, multi region and macro etc? Appreciate any info that will help me make my mind up.

Cheers guys

Panasonic PV 55E

Its a small portable unit, may friend has one in his car. Is it region hackable????

Macrovision hack on schneider 511

Can this player have macrovision disabled??
Grateful for any help submitted.....

Help with schnieder 511 and macro.....

Can anyone tell me if macro can be disabled on this machine. Can`t find info anywhere!!!

Help with macrovision

Can any of really smart people out there help me with a macro dissable hack for the schneider 511?? PLEASE......

schneider 511

Can anyone help me with this one?
1. can macro be dissabled?
2. can vcd playback be enabled?
Any help would be greatle appreciated.
Thanks.. uniden

schneider dvd 511 macro vision

Can anyone advise me as to wether the macro vision can be disabled on this model?

Schneider dvd 511

Can anyone let me know if the macrovision can be disabled on this machine. I am aware of the multi region hack.
Thanks to all in advance.