Info and forum posts by 'John Sutherland'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 16th May 2001, 22:04, Last used: Wednesday, 16th May 2001, 22:04

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

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If you check it out now the price on the first page is still £0.99 but when you add it to your shopping basket the price increases to £1,002.73

Stranger and stranger

RE: French DVDs

I have recently returned from a trip to france and have about 40 french DVD disks. Watch for the American flag on the language section.
I have 2 disks that will not run from the menu and crash the player but we get round this by selecting scene 1 then play.

Cheap disks are about £7-£9 and chart disks are about £14-£16.
The main reason I purchase disks from France is that they are released earlier that the UK and they have multiple languages, Handy if your trying to learn French.

Braveheart from France £16 with 4 languages including english.
Braveheart from the UK 4 months wait for the release £20 and english only, Which would you buy

Wharfedale 750 Stuttering

I have the above player but when I play certain R1 disks it seems to skip frames (Planet of the apes, Hollowman).
Wharfedale tech support state that the player was designed to play reigon 2 only so as such they cannot help.
Has anybody managed to solve this problem ?

RE: wharfedale 750 region select????????????


Although you have not stated which 750 it is all the hacks are on dvd reviewer.

RE: Wharfedale DVD-M5 Vs LG 3000E

My friend has purchased the LG and we have not discoved a reigon hack for it as yet.

On another point my DVD-750 is set for multi reigon and when playing R1 disks it appears to skip frames. Have you encountered this and is it curable.?

RE: Purchase of French DVD player

DVD players in France are still more expensive that over here, but they are coming down and will soon be the same as over here.

Disks are a different matter, the disks are a lot cheaper, they are reigon 2, they come out a lot sooner than the UK and they are usually in multiple languages.