Info and forum posts by 'handsome.b.wonderful'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 23rd May 2001, 15:03, Last used: Monday, 8th September 2008, 14:57

Access Level: Elite

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This user has posted a total of 1359 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.16 messages a day, or 1.1 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) restoration

I`ve had this on HD-DVD for about a year or so now and watch it religiously every couple of months. It`s one of my all time favourite movies and the first time I watched it in HD on my big screen I had a big ole tear in my eye. I`m still blown away with the picture quality especially on some of the opening exterior scenes, simply amazing. When talking about a 70 year old picture it`s heard to describe in words just how vivid the colours are and how detailed and clear the image is.

Oh and the extras on the HD-DVD (and now also the Blu-Ray) are some of the best I`ve ever seen. I urge all movie lovers to get this movie and, if possible, to get the HD/Blu-ray version.

"Why, you speak treason!"
"Fluently" :D

This item was edited on Monday, 8th September 2008, 12:51

RE: Soldier is refused room at hotel

Was the guy p***ed or being abusive to the receptionist or did he just flash his ID and politely request a room? If it`s the latter then shame on that hotel... :/

RE: Blazing Angels on Wii

I had a "quick go" last night and I must say for 14 euro it`s well worth the money. You know a game is going to be good when a "quick go" ends up being 3 hours. :D

Controls will take some time to master but I had a blast just learning the ropes and I even managed to complete a couple of the missions despite not being in full control of my plane. I can see the difficulty levels being ramped up for some of the later levels though. Graphics are surprisingly good even when projected on to a 3 meter screen with some really nice smoke and cloud effects though there was a bit of judder and slow-down on some of the "busier" levels... plus I did go to bed feeling a bit motion sick after all of my aerial dexterity though that could have been down to the screen size.

Overall though it`s well worth an investment for those still on the fence.

Blazing Angels on Wii

Anyone got this and, if so, is it any good? Just ordered it on as it`s going for 14 euro (that`s 10 of your antiquated british notes). :D

RE: Metallica

S&M is an amazing concert dvd - showed it to my classical music loving ole man and he absolutely loved it. If you`re looking for a good overview of the band why not get this - picture quality is decent but the 5.1 sound is amazing. Check out Whiskey in the Jar in 5.1 :D

This item was edited on Tuesday, 26th August 2008, 09:30

RE: This is how to sell on Ebay

I`ve now got the urge to get implants... :/

RE: Opening Ceremony - Beijing 2008

After seeing just some of the opening ceremony highlights all I can say is best of luck with the 2012 games. At least you`re off to a cracking start with that logo :D

RE: Ryanair

I see some of us are very busy this afternoon... now just give me a second to pick up those rattles and put them back in your cots (:¦

RE: Paying for Pain - again

Thats all fair and good but you can still see the playstation tattoo
Money well spent :/

RE: Paying for Pain - again

Forget about the PS tattoo, what the hell is that on your right shoulder? Did the tattooist run out of ink/talent or did you just run out of money? :D

RE: Picture roll call

This item was edited on Friday, 25th July 2008, 09:40

RE: Batman gets nicked!

What say you?
I say leave the man and his family alone to sort out their own issues - it`ll all come out in the wash in the end (said the bishop to the chamber maid). Having said that it reminds me of a "joke"... What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Absolutely nothing. She`s been told twice already. Boom, boom.

RE: Weddings! Help?

So it was the sound of a biological clock I heard ticking away in the background? :D

We`ve just had number 3 a few weeks ago - 2 are easy enough to handle, with 3 all bets are off I`m afraid. Best of luck again with the wedding plans and with the er... devil`s business 8)

RE: Weddings! Help?

Sounds like you`re in a bit of a rush... is that the click of a firearm I hear in the background? :D

Best of luck mate 8)

RE: Wii Sports Party

Looks like the public have spoken. I should have known that no-one makes better games than Nintendo:

This item was edited on Tuesday, 22nd July 2008, 14:58

RE: Wii Sports Party

I put it on late at night on the PJ after an extensive HD movie session and honestly thought it was complete cack. I`ll admit I only "played" it for about 30 minutes and I was pretty jaded at the time so I`m willing to give it the benefit of the doubt but the controls were complete pants, graphics ranged from quite impressive to complete pants and was it just me or is there no "practice" mode? It was a major pain in the ass having to wait until the other 3 CPU players had their turns (billy no-mates :) ) before you got another shot at embarrassing yourself?

I`ll give the instructions a run-through and give it another go when I`ve more time to get used to the controls but alas that`s the trouble with first impressions... you only get to make one. :/

RE: Doomsday- Early reviews

I always like to see Bob Hoskins in a film

Are you sure about that? cough Super Mario Bros cough :D

RE: Name that Film

Phonebooth: The Director`s Cut?

I`ll get me coat...

RE: WALL-E Anyone looking forward to seeing Pixar`s new movie?

Wow, `nuff said:

This item was edited on Wednesday, 16th July 2008, 11:05

RE: Best By-Line Ever!

In case you are unsure of what a by-line is:
Well aware of what a by-line is thanks... but sometimes the pearls of wisdom uttered by Joe Sixpack and Sally Housecoat are even funnier. :D

RE: Best By-Line Ever!

His girlfriend Yvonne said: "I'm really proud of him. I've been furious about Hitler for days."

This item was edited on Monday, 14th July 2008, 14:50

RE: Wii Sports Party

Well if nothing else at least the graphics look to be semi-decent - hopefully they`ve put the same amount of work into the gameplay... but don`t blame me if it`s rubbish ;)

Wii Sports Party

Just ordered this for 14 euro at - it`s just been released and I can`t find ANY reviews for it (not a good sign). So my question is... have I just wasted 14 not-very-hard-earned euro?

RE: Help! Need an opening line for my Groom speech on Saturday!

Ah, the three rings of love: the engagement ring, the wedding ring and the suffering.
The 1980s is calling, it wants it`s "joke" back...

"What is a wedding? The dictionary describes a wedding as the process of removing weeds from ones garden". Homer (Simpson)

RE: I Got The Blu-ray Blues...

I`m in the same boat as Chewie. Over the last few months I have built up my HD-DVD collection to nearly 50 titles as most HD-DVDs are now being sold off for about 5 or 6 euro. For anyone on a budget and looking to get into the HD movie experience I`d still recommend going the HD-DVD route... you can still pick up a good Toshiba HD player (which is also an excellent SD upscaler) for next to nothing these days.

When BluRay players and discs come down in price then I`ll dip my toe... but until then I`ll be happily watching The Matrix, Planet Earth, The Adventures of Robin Hood, King Kong, Blade Runner, The Searchers, etc in stunning HD on my 140 incher... and all for a fraction of the cost of BluRay :-)

RE: M. Night`s The Happening...

I mean how does he persuade someone to finance his next vision when this one went so terribly wrong

Well it`s already made over 30 million in the US (despite having a 20% rating at Rotten Tomatoes) so that`s enough incentive for financiers to give him more money.

RE: got wii fit last night

You can do them side on... still a bitch to do whichever side you choose :)

RE: `Unclaimed` money

It`s all siphoned off into Richard Pryor`s account :)



Oh wait... :/

RE: Oh my gawd! It`s IRON MAN.. And it rocks!

94% at RT - looks like a trip to the local flea-pit is in order: