Page 1 of Dvd writer £102.23 delivered
Bargain Buckets Forum
Came across this earlier it`s a Vivastar ( re - badged Panasonic) RS-111 Internal IDE DVD Recorder
- Supports DVD-R (1x) and DVD-RAM (2x) for total of £102.23 three to four days courier delivery, it is one of the older early dvd writers and I am very tempted but can`t help thinking back to when I bought my first cd writer drive only to find six months later they were half the price and twice the speed , should I go for it or wait til the newer faster ones drop in price ?
find it here
reviewed here,4149,6074,00.asp?kc=PCNKT0209KTX1K0100360
any of you have or know someone with one of these please let me know what you think of them.
I`d wait.
1x is s l o w.......
Save ya dosh, m8.
A mate of mine has a writer, and he said that writing at 2x is fine, but if you burn at 4x, then the discs often do not work properly?
How is this? So is it worth waiting, or would a 2x be money well spent at the moment?
I`m rambling, arent I??
a05 down to £159.99 now 4x
micky where can u get the a05 at that price and is that the oem version
Think I will wait a bit longer then and see what happens with the prices in the near future.
Thanks for the advice.
i remember argos selling this drive...saying it idnt write cds........sounds crap to me!
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Dan...The CyberHome Man
Been thinking about this and with the prices of DVDs I can`t see that it`s really worth it. Most DVDs after a few weeks you can get for around a tenner, and I would much rather have a genuine copy than a skanked one. I don`t think I am gonna bother. Certainly not until the media is a lot cheaper.
" i remember argos selling this drive...saying it idnt write cds........sounds crap to me! "
Not a problem for me as I have got a 48 x cd writer , how much were argos selling it for ? bit more than £102 I expect .