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Bargain Buckets Forum

Free DVD from Bensonsworld - Little Shop Of Horror`s

KingAndy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 10th August 2001, 10:42

Just to let the people who actually signed up for the offer:
I got mine today (10th august) so its not a scam after all. Who would have thought that there maybe things in life that are free...although you did have to give them your email


P.S. Why cant more companys do this kind offer? F-R-E-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Free DVD from Bensonsworld - Little Shop Of Horror`s

stevea (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 10th August 2001, 11:33

got mine too, ordered it alongside `When We were Kings` which is terriffic.
Agree more companies should offer a freebie as an incentive.

RE: Free DVD from Bensonsworld - Little Shop Of Horror`s

tripodjw (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th August 2001, 11:55

Yup i got mine yesterday (thurs 9th).

Ain`t life grand.

Although now it is listed as the offer having stopped. Shame.

RE: Free DVD from Bensonsworld - Little Shop Of Horror`s

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th August 2001, 11:07

Hope mine`s on the way, order was accepted at the time, and I printed it out and gave card details etc.It`s now Saturday (11th). Good to see some people`s orders have been honoured. Here`s hoping!!

This item was edited on Saturday, 11th August 2001, 11:09

RE: Free DVD from Bensonsworld - Little Shop Of Horror`s

El Peachio (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 11th August 2001, 11:37

Got mine yesterday.


RE: Free DVD from Bensonsworld - Little Shop Of Horror`s

Hal2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th August 2001, 11:53

still waiting for mine!

RE: Free DVD from Bensonsworld - Little Shop Of Horror`s

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th August 2001, 20:46

Stll waiting for mine. I said I was paying by cheque, Will I still get mine as I didnt want to write a cheque for nothing!

RE: Free DVD from Bensonsworld - Little Shop Of Horror`s

KingAndy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 13th August 2001, 08:35

Hey Mico,

Yup. I put my payment details as cheque and i already have mine. I didnt want to put my credit card details, just in case it was a scam. Anyways, its not, and the film (although old and in black and white), is actually ok.


RE: Free DVD from Bensonsworld - Little Shop Of Horror`s

mark Kelly (Competent) posted this on Monday, 13th August 2001, 10:59

I got my today as well which I put down as cheque payment. On other matter, do they normally send their DVD / Tapes to you with just a cardboard around them? since if they do it doesn`t actually make me feel that it would get to me (when I order DVD from them) in one piece.


RE: Free DVD from Bensonsworld - Little Shop Of Horror`s

Maxknight007 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 13th August 2001, 18:25


I got mine today :) Bensons world send DVD`s out like that and sometimes VHS but if you order more than 1 you get them in a box. I oftern order and have never had any problems with damaged products :)

Max Knight

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