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DVDs & Films Forum

Band of Brothers

duncsy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 13th September 2002, 18:03

Can anyone tell me if the R2 version is in a tin boxset like the R1 ?

I`ve seen the R1 for £49.99 at


I`ve seen the R2 for £44.99 at

as anyone seen it cheaper?

Thanks in advance.


This item was edited on Friday, 13th September 2002, 18:04

RE: Band of Brothers

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th September 2002, 18:18

RE: Band of Brothers

HugoMorse (Competent) posted this on Friday, 13th September 2002, 18:23

I believe it is a tin as DVD Times (and DVD Reviewer I think) have annoucned it in their news.

I have also seen it cheaper... It is called VHS as in taping it off TV! Even forty-five pounds for a TV series that I already own on VHS is a rip-off. Even if you want better quality it has been on a digital a few times.

Answer this question, if you own it on VHS (even if it is a horrible format) how many times do you actually put it in to watch? Is it worth spending £45 for a nifty tin to sit a bookcase collecting dust becuase its just a cool title to own?

Sorry, I just think we are being completely ripped off and we seem to be bending over for more... Take the Lords of the Rings three release versions for instance... I swear I can remember for scenes in the Theatrical version that I saw in the Cinema than were on the "Theatrical release" of the DVD, such as the elves singing. Ripped offed once again.

Sorry, I am now of my soap box and they both are vey good titles.

RE: Band of Brothers

Kain^ (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 14th September 2002, 05:06

Sorry, but what the hell are u going on about Hugo...

The dvd will have DTS surround, and i should imagine it being on a par with Saving Private Ryan DTS.
U get an extra disk loaded with extras, and commentaries on each episode.

And £45 is quite cheap for a series with current titles like The X Files and Star Trek being £70 - £80.

so you stick with your crappy VHS i`ll be rocking the house with DTS.


RE: Band of Brothers

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th September 2002, 12:34


RE: Band of Brothers

HugoMorse (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 14th September 2002, 14:46

I forgot about DTS, but still the point I am making is that we are being ripped-off.

As you said most series are £70-£80. I do not know anyone personally who would spend that kind of money buying something theyt already have taped off digital even if it does have DTS.

Band of Brothers is a lot more attractive at £45, but what is the deal with rip-off on LOTR.

RE: Band of Brothers

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th September 2002, 21:04

Hugo, you steengy mofo.

"but what is the deal with rip-off on LOTR."

Ask yourself this, do you HAVE to BUY both versions?
Answer: No.

You don`t have to buy anything. But some people might choose to buy the two editions, and some will stick with the theatrical version and some will wait for the extended cut. Personally, I`ll stick with the theatrical cut and get a loan of the extended cut. I know where you are coming from, but you make it sound like we all HAVE to buy it.

And back on topic to Band of Brothers. I`ll be getting it. I`m sure somewhere else will have it cheaper than £44.99. Look at 24. It was great value for money at £25. I hadn`t actually seen any of it and bought it on all the hype. I thought it was brilliant.

RE: Band of Brothers

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 16th September 2002, 12:14

I`ve got lots of money and will be buying them all.


RE: Band of Brothers

Kain^ (Competent) posted this on Monday, 16th September 2002, 21:22

i to will be buyin both, Lord Of The Rings: Super Duper Whooper Edition, and Band Of Bothers.


RE: Band of Brothers

HugoMorse (Competent) posted this on Monday, 16th September 2002, 21:55


I just got my second digital box installed so i can watch Band of Brothers in my bedroom and my friend downstairs, on a different channel, at the same time.

Just in case my VHS gets worn out from all the repeat play, I have changed my mind and will buy the DVD too.

Seriously, did any one else remember scenes from LOTRS in the cinema ("Theatrical version") that was not in the first DVD release (known as the "Theatrical version"). Unless I was high while in the cinema I distinctly remember some evles singing about Gandulf that was not on the DVD!!! This is what I meant about it being a con... Not that they are releasing several versions. You did not get a cut Monsters Inc "Theatrical version" and an extended "monsters Inc." version too. You got the same film without the extras, with the extras or with the extras and a toy... That is more like it, a choice without the con.

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