Page 1 of Angel Season 1 R1 Peeve

DVDs & Films Forum

Angel Season 1 R1 Peeve

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 8th February 2003, 01:20

Can anyone see any possible reason why they would release Angel Season 1 before Buffy Season 4. There are a couple of crossover episodes that start or conclude on Buffy. I just think they should have waited and released them both together.

Anyone else agree?

RE: Angel Season 1 R1 Peeve

Desk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th February 2003, 17:06

Does anyone have this set yet, and if so could they possibly reveal if it features the "Previously..." introductions that were cut off the R2 version?

A good episode to check is Sanctuary as it should feature a lengthy "Previously..." intro featuring clips from episodes of both Angel and Buffy.



RE: Angel Season 1 R1 Peeve

PearlJam (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 8th February 2003, 20:46

I`ve just checked my copy of R1 Angel and can tell you that Sanctuary does NOT have a "Previously....." intro, nor do any of the episodes on that particular disc (#5).

Can`t vouch for any other discs, haven`t checked them, but I`ll take a guess at "no".


RE: Angel Season 1 R1 Peeve

Desk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 9th February 2003, 00:02


Many thanks for taking time to check this - I really appreciate it!

All the best,


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