Page 1 of Clock on Windows XP - Too Slow?

DVDs & Films Forum

Clock on Windows XP - Too Slow?

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th March 2003, 20:34

Just lately the clock on Win XP has started goign really slwoly. I have chekd and unchecked synchronize with internet time but it mkaes no difference, it`s really p***ing me off!

Any ideas anyone?

RE: Clock on Windows XP - Too Slow?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th March 2003, 20:40

There are 2 different internet clocks you can synchronize with - and one other (can`t remember the name).

Try the other.

Richard Booth
Site Reviewer & Columnist
DVD Reviewer

RE: Clock on Windows XP - Too Slow?

kywy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 01:03

Possibly the CMOS battery on your motherboard starting to fail.
hth P.

RE: Clock on Windows XP - Too Slow?

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 08:53

Heh, where I used to work we had a server that would lose about 5 mins a day.

Amazing that a digital watch worth 1.99 from the garage kept better time than a 2 grand server.

RE: Clock on Windows XP - Too Slow?

mr.quiet (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 10:42

One of the PC`s in my office has the same problem. When switched on, on Monday mornings the clock and date are showing the Friday before at 5:30 when it was switched off.

Could this be the internal clock as this PC has no internet access?

RE: Clock on Windows XP - Too Slow?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 11:19

Like kywy said, probably the CMOS battery.

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