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DVDs & Films Forum

Die Hard Trilogy

scooper (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 24th September 2003, 19:02

hello all...

im thinking of buying the die hard trilogy boxset on region two but i have noticed that the region one is almost double the price..

what are the differences is it special features or nothing in particular..

any input would be great.

Thanks in advance and for your time

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RE: Die Hard Trilogy

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 24th September 2003, 20:51

The R1 boxset contains the uncut 2-disc special editions which are loaded with extras. As far as I know, the R2 boxset contains one disc per film and very little/nothing in the way of extras. You can still get the 2-disc special editions on R2, but with 1&2 in a set and Vengeance on it`s own.

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