Page 1 of mulholland drive whats it about?

DVDs & Films Forum

mulholland drive whats it about?

happy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 16:10

Saw this last night. very confused. Anyone can explain in laymans language?

"If you PuT yOur MiNd to iT You CaN AcCompLiSh AnythiNg" - BTTF

RE: mulholland drive whats it about?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 16:33

I don`t know, but my interpretation of it is that the first 3/4 of the film is an orgasmic dream, and the last part (where everything warps round) is real life.

But I don`t know, I only saw it once and don`t plan to see it again. :/

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RE: mulholland drive whats it about?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 17:43

RE: mulholland drive whats it about?

happy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 17th October 2003, 17:51

Cheers Rik. I have read your article (phew, THATS in-depth anylisis) and intend to watch it again, knowing its it a warp around of dream sequence preciding reality.

"If you PuT yOur MiNd to iT You CaN AcCompLiSh AnythiNg" - BTTF

RE: mulholland drive whats it about?

Biagio (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 20th February 2005, 14:02

Well its a lot clearer than b4 after reading Rik`s interpretation. I think I understand Rik`s dream sequence vs afterlife trip analysis though it`s easy to combine the two and make them as one - if u understand what I mean. In the end I suppose it`s what u the viewer are most happy with.


RE: mulholland drive whats it about?

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 20th February 2005, 14:50

That review is a bit hard on the eyes Rik - ever thought of using the `enter` key?! ;) Seriously though, that is a well written and thorough interpretation.

For what it`s worth, I thought the bulk of the movie was a dream caused by the jealousy that Betty/Diane feels towards the relationship between Rita/Camille and Adam as is revealed in the final `dinner party` scene.

Trying to decode a David Lynch film is hard work and I still haven`t figured out what Eraserhead is all about (premature ejaculation, guilt about poor parenting, a nightmare he had... :/ ) Part of the beauty of Lynch`s movies is that you watch the final credits trying to make sense of what you have just seen and each movie is open to many different interpretations.


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RE: mulholland drive whats it about?

Chode (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st February 2005, 15:23

Boy Rik thats one heck of a review, all I was going to say was:
A womans kills herself, in her dieing moments she relives what lead up to do her doing it, we see how she remembers it candy coated, and what really happened. Done in typical David Lynch style.

( I know I`m getting old, but I really must proof read what the heck I type on the keyboard before posting, and then again, and again, and again and...)

Bog off Foggy
Ok, I admit it, I have a Phillips DVDR70 (dons hard hat and jumps in bunker ready for incoming verbal abuse!)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 10:11

RE: mulholland drive whats it about?

whoot (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st February 2005, 15:49

RE: mulholland drive whats it about?

apt (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd February 2005, 23:07

In answer to the original poster`s question:
5 minutes too long.

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