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LOTR: What to buy...?

calexw (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 16th November 2003, 18:24

Ok, confession time first...I`ve still not seen any of the LOTR films, or read the books, although i did start reading the Hobbit once. Shocking I know, but i`ve never really got round to it. I think i`ve even got a dodgy copy of `Fellowship` in a CD wallet somewhere, so theres just no excuse frankly.

But, I do want to see them, so i`m thinking of making a purchase, but theres just too many versions/box set/special edition/collecter editions!
Was just at EzyDvd where they`re advertising a 7 disc set for The Two Towers! 7 Discs!!!! for one film! Is it me or is it starting to get a bit mad...

In theory, when the last one is out, you`ll have 3 films with 15+ discs between them! :o

So, do i buy each set individually or wait for a humungous all-in-oner box set of all three films, that the postman will have to deliver by wheelbarrow?
I`m going to lie down now...


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RE: LOTR: What to buy...?

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th November 2003, 18:29

I was in the same position as you on Friday, trying to decide what to buy, couldn`t decide between 2 Disc FOTR or 4 disc. In the end i went for the 2 discer from Play at £6.49 delivered.

If I like it I might get The Two Towers 4 discer, but I thought if I watch FOTR and think that it`s a load of bulls***, then i have wasted 12 quid in getting the extra 2 discs, especially as it spans the first 2 discs. I know that the 4 discer has DTS, but from what I`ve heard the Dolby mix is much better anyway.


"There are things known and there are things unknown, and inbetween are the doors."

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RE: LOTR: What to buy...?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th November 2003, 18:31

Get the 4-disv versions of FOTR and TTT - as well as 30 minutes of extra footage, the extras are excellent. Yes, the DTS may be only as good as the DD and nothing more, but some may have a preference for the least you get the choice. :-)

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RE: LOTR: What to buy...?

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th November 2003, 19:07

Hmm interesting advice that from Rik, get the 4 discers of both versions.

At best, £40 quid?

He whacks in FOTR and thinks to himself, "What a load of complete crap this is." That`s a very nice waste of £40.

On the other hand, he gets the 2 discer of FOTR, thinks it`s crap, well, it`s cost him £6.49.

If he likes it, he can get the 4 discers of versions to come.

As for the DTS, I dont see why he would prefer this mix, as no-one else seems to!

Have you heard both mixes Rik? What is your opinion on the DTS mix?

Apart from Terminator 2, I am yet to find a DTS mix which I can tell the difference from a Dolby mix. I know in just about every one of your DTS reviews you say that the bass is tighter, but hey, don`t waste £40!!!!!!!!

Maybe even get your free trial fr9om Screenselect with FOTR, if you like it, get the 4 disc version ;)

"There are things known and there are things unknown, and inbetween are the doors."

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RE: LOTR: What to buy...?

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 16th November 2003, 19:37

Doesn`t anyone rent before they buy anymore?

If I`m not sure about a certain disc, I pop off to my local library and for the price of a pint, I can test drive a disc.

You know it makes sense. ;)

Jitendar Canth

"Back off man, I`m a scientist!"

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RE: LOTR: What to buy...?

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th November 2003, 19:37

Rent them.

RE: LOTR: What to buy...?

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th November 2003, 19:46


Hope you like LOTR. If so, definitely get the 4 disc version. Of both.
It`s not just the extra discs (the extras on which are the best I`ve ever seen!) but the extra footage adds so much to the story and characters. The short documentart on `scale` is fantastic.
Got 4 disc of TT hopefully arriving tomorrow and am hoping it`s as good a set as the first.
You can pick it up R2 for £17.99 from too. Imagine FOTR must be available for a similar price too.

Oh and the DTS is not as good as the stunning DD track.


RE: LOTR: What to buy...?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th November 2003, 20:22

Yes, my opinion of FOTR`s audio is that the DD is better.

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RE: LOTR: What to buy...?

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th November 2003, 21:41

With regard to renting it, I did say in my second post get it in your free trial with screen select!

"There are things known and there are things unknown, and inbetween are the doors."

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RE: LOTR: What to buy...?

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th November 2003, 21:51

Fair enough. Who the f*** are screen select? :-)

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