Page 1 of Battle Royale 2 - out this week!!

DVDs & Films Forum

Battle Royale 2 - out this week!!

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th January 2004, 21:47

i didnt even know its been released yet! its on sale at dddhouse and movietyme. has anyone seen it? and when is it due for a uk release?

RE: Battle Royale 2 - out this week!!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 29th January 2004, 20:20

it`s VERY good, tho not as good as the original :D


general nobody @

RE: Battle Royale 2 - out this week!!

mutoscope (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 4th February 2004, 20:58

Got it from DDDHOUSE a few days ago, watched it last night. EXCELLENT! Quite a suprise as the hype for this picture seemed to vanish following its cinema release in Japan. Worthy sequel to the original. A total war movie. Stylistically a japanese Saving Private Ryan. Those kids get the bejesus blown out of them unmercifully in landing craft and on the beaches. The anti-American slant to the story was quite suprising. The first film never saw a theatrical release in the US because of its graphic content, so there`s no way this one will, one way or the other.

RE: Battle Royale 2 - out this week!!

kool (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 5th February 2004, 17:20

Its £6.99 on CDWOW for the R3.

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