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DVDs & Films Forum

Anyone seen The Twins Effect?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd March 2004, 16:36

I quite fancy this movie from dddhouse but I havent read many reviews about it. Anyone recommend it? Its supposedly about 2 girls who are called as vampire slayers or something, sounds a bit like Buffy. Does Jackie Chan have a big role in the movie? Also is the dvd of this any good? Its being released on region 1 at the end of this month. Shall I just wait for that?
:p:p:p D-I-C-A-N-I-O :p:p:p

This item was edited on Tuesday, 2nd March 2004, 16:38

RE: Anyone seen The Twins Effect?

Arf (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd March 2004, 19:15

Haven`t seen it, but for HK film reviews I find this site v helpful, if you don`t already use it.

RE: Anyone seen The Twins Effect?

mutoscope (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd March 2004, 21:58

Its worth picking up for the fight scenes alone, which were chroegraphed by Donnie Yen, especially the opening and final battle. For all fans of Hong Kong legends DVDs, watch out for Bey Logan (who co-produced this film and was responsible for Hiring Donnie Yen) as one of the vampires at the start (He`s also in Infernal Affairs 2!) Its pretty impressive that these girls have never done martial arts before as they go on the attack with such vengence. Next to the vampire plot, you`ve got a typical Canto soap love plot with two cameos from Jackie Chan and Karen Mok (who kicked ass in "So Close"). Its a slick, glossy Asian vampire flick with some cool fights and cute twin girls (who are`t actually twins). Worth buying!

Ps. There`s a special ediition which is packaged like the ancient book in the movie and includes an actual steel dagger. I dont know how it got through customs!

RE: Anyone seen The Twins Effect?

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd March 2004, 07:50

I really enjoyed this movie......i nearly got put off by some of the bad reviews about it but i went for it and am glad i did.

Here is a couple of decent reviews......

Review 1
Review 2

RE: Anyone seen The Twins Effect?

Chode (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd March 2004, 09:11

So nothing to do with the `Cheeky Girls` then.

Sorry, I`m just in that sort of mood this moring!

RE: Anyone seen The Twins Effect?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd March 2004, 17:43

Thanks for your replies. I`ve gone and ordered it. Only worked out at around £5 delivered so I will take that risk.

:p:p:p D-I-C-A-N-I-O :p:p:p

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