Page 1 of House of Incredibly Annoying Daggers from CD-Wow

DVDs & Films Forum

House of Incredibly Annoying Daggers from CD-Wow

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th January 2005, 11:49

Anyone else been affected by the naff batch of discs CD-Wow have? I was really chuffed when this popped through the letterbox this morning, but after reading about the problems I thought I`d better give it a try. Sure enough, it`s completely fooked just after the hour mark. Apparently they might not be able to source replacements, but I`ve read a umber of reports that discs from other suppliers are unaffected... :(

RE: House of Incredibly Annoying Daggers from CD-Wow

iain.j (Competent) posted this on Monday, 10th January 2005, 15:03

the same has happened to mine, sounds like exactly the same time aswell - 63 minutes. picture freezes and distorts, then jumps forward 15 minutes.


RE: House of Incredibly Annoying Daggers from CD-Wow

neill farley (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 10th January 2005, 19:58

Same here Chapter 8 the bamboo forest scene picture breaks up. I`m expecting a replacement from Cd Wow so fingers crossed.

RE: House of Incredibly Annoying Daggers from CD-Wow

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th January 2005, 20:16

I`ve had an email informing me that their entire batch is knackered, so it`ll probably be another faulty one. What annoys me is that they`ve known about this for a while and they`re still selling it! I`ve been told to return it for a refund, so now I have to try and get it from somewhere else. Trouble is, if I get a faulty one from one of the HK sites I`ll be stuck with it.

RE: House of Incredibly Annoying Daggers from CD-Wow

neill farley (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 10th January 2005, 20:31

Just had a look at their website and HOFD is still No1 on the multiregion chart.
I wonder why they don`t withdraw it if entire batch is knackered.

RE: House of Incredibly Annoying Daggers from CD-Wow

Daywalker (Competent) posted this on Monday, 10th January 2005, 22:16

is this the 2-disc dts one? I just ordered the £30 ltd fancy pants edition, so hopefully they are not affected.

RE: House of Incredibly Annoying Daggers from CD-Wow

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th January 2005, 00:10

Yeah, the two disc one. I can`t believe they are still selling the faulty one when they know it`s knackered. It`s put a dent in my opinion of the company to be honest.

RE: House of Incredibly Annoying Daggers from CD-Wow

Saqib (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th January 2005, 03:53

to be honest it is only with certain players it does not work. this was my experience from the hero 2disc edition a while back - it played fine in my hk machine and my friends 30quids machines, but not in the panasonic or pioneer. i guess they assume most people have the cheaper players than the more expensive ones (i am expecting some flack for this statement) to make it worthwhile trying to get rid of their duff copies.

RE: House of Incredibly Annoying Daggers from CD-Wow

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th January 2005, 04:26

That doesn`t make a lot of sense though. I`ve tried it in two Pioneer players (both decent), two DVD Rom drives and a DVD writer. It`s screwed in all of them. Writers are generally much better at reading bad/scratched discs (mine certainly is), but it`s having none of it.

RE: House of Incredibly Annoying Daggers from CD-Wow

Saqib (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th January 2005, 10:25

it is not a `damaged` disc problem - it is the encoding and pressing on the disc itself. some lasers are better than others at picking this up. the fact that both pioneers don`t like it is not surprising to me, since they will use the same laser technology. chances are your dvd-writer also has some pioneer elements in it, hence the same issue.

it may not make sense, but i have come across many a dvd that play fine in some players but not in others. one example like i said above was the hero dvd (also from edko), but there are others.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th January 2005, 10:27

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