Page 1 of Charlies Angels - Bad movie

DVDs & Films Forum

Charlies Angels - Bad movie

DVDan (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 00:23

Why was this film such a hit ??? I never saw it at the cinema, but going on the rave reviews it got, I brought it on DVD. I actually put off buying Se7en to get it, and man was I dissapointed. Bad story, bad script, and dumb overly-wire-assited fight scenes.

Anyone thinking of buying this....dont.

RE: Charlies Angels - Bad movie

cw2000 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 00:51

No one was watching it for the movie

RE: Charlies Angels - Bad movie

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 10:03

You were actually studying the movie and the plot lines? Man, you bought it for the wrong reasons.

"...and....freeze frame!...."

RE: Charlies Angels - Bad movie

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 10:28

im glad someone is beginning to see it from my point of view. all style no action. All glamour no plot. I saw it in the cinema so it wasnt a complere waste of money as its worth seeing once just for tom green and joey tribianni cameos

RE: Charlies Angels - Bad movie

ickle yoda (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 11:12

I bought the movie too but I disagree I actually liked it. Ok so its very cheesy and the story and some parts are as thin as ice but its bloody charlies angels! what do you expect? Take it for what it is, a very cheesy but fun (if you let it ) movie.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 11:12

RE: Charlies Angels - Bad movie

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 11:59

i persoanlly loved this movie! it was cheesy and daft yeah, but i was supposed to be. it was never going to anything more than a dumb-ass action film. enjoy it for was it is.....

RE: Charlies Angels - Bad movie

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 19:40

Dostoyevsky this picture ain`t, but then old Fyodor never waggled his bum in your face like Cameron Diaz does (twice). Mind you, Cameron has a much nicer ass than Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

If you`re into movies like se7en, I`d be surprised if you`d like something brain-lite like Charlie`s Angels. I`m not. I rejoice at checking my brain in at the door. I love watching the Angels in their lederhosen, at the racetrack, Drew Barrymore tumbling down a hillside buck naked, Cameron Diaz unzipping her wetsuit down to the navel....

I`m off to watch it again. See what wears out first - the disk or my eyesight. Arf Arf.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 19:41

RE: Charlies Angels - Bad movie

the shepster (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st May 2001, 21:48

i agree, i bought the movie for the girls
but the question is.....whose the best out of the three!!!!

RE: Charlies Angels - Bad movie

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 31st May 2001, 22:27

Charlies Angles!

Diaz gets my vote. Why she didnt have that same super-sexy hairdo off Being John Malkovich sure beats me.


RE: Charlies Angels - Bad movie

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 31st May 2001, 22:29

That`s a tough one but I`d have to say Drew Barrymore. In the words of Wayne, "She`s magically babelicious! Schwing!"

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