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DVDs & Films Forum

Nikita - R2?

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Monday, 25th June 2001, 12:52

I have seen Nikita for sale in R1, anyone know if this is around on PAL format anywhere?

RE: Nikita - R2?

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th June 2001, 17:37

Ive heard that theres a r2 european version of nikita but not a r2 british version

RE: Nikita - R2?

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 26th June 2001, 00:19

Do you know if this European has english subtitles on? Any idea where to get it?

RE: Nikita - R2?

Phil R (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 26th June 2001, 08:04

I`ve used this lot once. They have Nikita but state it`s out of stock - however they do say it has english subtitles.

RE: Nikita - R2?

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 26th June 2001, 09:48

Thnx for the info!

Heh, just had a look around the site, seems like a hell of a lot of stuff is either low on stock or out of stock!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 26th June 2001, 09:51

RE: Nikita - R2?

Pertwee (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 2nd July 2001, 00:56

Mmm. I suspect much of that is due to negligence on the part of the fellow who updates the website. They are an excellent site, however, and deliver very quickly (and cheaply).

And isn`t `Nikita` just brilliant?

RE: Nikita - R2?

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Monday, 2nd July 2001, 09:43

Forgot to update this. I emailed the people running the site and they said they didn`t know when it would be back in stock. :(

"Unfortunately we are still waiting for the new stock of this title and we
can`t give you an exact date for that.

Best regards,


RE: Nikita - R2?

Pertwee (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 2nd July 2001, 13:46

Have you tried They claim to have it in stock.

This takes you straight to the Nikita page.

Bonne chance!

RE: Nikita - R2?

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd July 2001, 16:45

Aha! Thanks.

That french site says it`s Mono sound where as the other DVDZone2 says it`s Surround. Anyone know which is correct?
If it`s Mono, does anyone know if it`s due for a UK release with stereo sound?

RE: Nikita - R2?

Phil R (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 08:38

I happened to look at the dvdzone2 site again last Thursday & they were back in stock (althoug lookin this morning they`re out of stock again), ordered one (you mentioning it reminded me of how good a film it is - my credit card company thanks you!) and it arrived yesterday.
It is Surround sound, 2.35:1, english or french audio, english or french subtitles. There`s a comment on the back of the DVD saying it`s exclusive to Belgium (!) so I suppose it`s possible that it`s different to the one sold by (though the front cover looks the same)?

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