Page 1 of Film Four Is Now Free!!

DVDs & Films Forum

Film Four Is Now Free!!

martfox (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 30th July 2006, 14:44

So has anyone been making the most of film four being free? i have! i didnt realise that some of the movies that were shown on there were so good i thought they were old so i am very happy that it has become free!

i love the adverts too! my favourite is lucy lui in her helicopter "muppets" lol

heres my attempt at making a film four advert - what do you all think?

its not brilliant but its just for a bit of a laugh

RE: Film Four Is Now Free!!

izombie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th July 2006, 15:26

i didnt realise that some of the movies that were shown on there were so good i thought they were old

So old films aren`t good? :/

Mine Was Taller

RE: Film Four Is Now Free!!

martfox (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 30th July 2006, 15:28

no i didnt mean that at all, sorry if i offended you. i personally prefer new movies and thought that filmfour showed really old ones. i still like a lot of old movies myself, but at the end of the day its all about personal preference

RE: Film Four Is Now Free!!

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 30th July 2006, 15:59

What you gonna do when you grow up and all your new films are old? ;)


News Editor and Reviewer

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

RE: Film Four Is Now Free!!

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th July 2006, 20:59

Star Wars is nearly 30 years old. Would you class that as an old film....making it crap?? :p

RE: Film Four Is Now Free!!

martfox (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 31st July 2006, 06:25

oh my god! like i said its all about personal preference! i never said old films were crap. personally i cant stand any star wars film because it is not my sort of genre. you lot on here obviously take things too seriously, all i said was that i prefer recent films that come out while im alive and people are jumping on me because they dont agree!!!!

RE: Film Four Is Now Free!!

Viewtiful Mark (Elite) posted this on Monday, 31st July 2006, 07:04

Chill out dude, they`re only yanking your chain!! Some people don`t like re-watching old classics - fair do`s.

I was quite pleased when Explorers turned up on FilmFour. I`ve not seen that since I was a kid. Overall I think the schedule looks great, the only downside being ads in the middle of films. But hey, they`ve got to fund it somehow eh?

"We gotta go to the crappy planet where I`M the hero"!

RE: Film Four Is Now Free!!

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Monday, 31st July 2006, 09:54

Star Wars is nearly 30 years old. Would you class that as an old film....making it crap??
It being old has nothing to do with it being crap. It just is.

Dr 42%er.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

This item was edited on Monday, 31st July 2006, 10:54

RE: Film Four Is Now Free!!

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Monday, 31st July 2006, 10:43

Is it me or has anyone else noticed the poor PQ?

Wonder if it was better when you had to pay for it?

RE: Film Four Is Now Free!!

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 31st July 2006, 10:58

Seems fine on my TV set?

Giggity giggity!

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