Page 1 of Anyone seen The Pledge/got it on DVD

DVDs & Films Forum

Anyone seen The Pledge/got it on DVD

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th October 2001, 07:50

I see that this Jack Nicholson film is out on R1, though it`s only just reached the cinemas here - saw one good review for it, anyone here seen it? Worth a pop?

RE: Anyone seen The Pledge/got it on DVD

hansolo (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th October 2001, 10:24

I haven`t seen it but have heard good things.

Jonathan Ross raved about it on 2001 and Alexander Walker in the Evening Standard gave it 3 stars out of 3 (which is rare for him). However he also gave A.I. 3 stars, but I reckon thats because Kubrick was a mate!

I might go and see it before purchasing though, but would also love to hear from those who have seen it.

Nicholson & Helen Mirren in the same film - has to be good!

RE: Anyone seen The Pledge/got it on DVD

sportsmimic (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th October 2001, 11:56

Saw it on DVD a few weeks ago. Quite slow but good character building. Not a typical hollywood ending though. I won`t say any more than that.
Pretty decent film.

RE: Anyone seen The Pledge/got it on DVD

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th October 2001, 14:03 have this movie for £13 and if u buy 3 from the list they put up(pledge is in the list), u save and extra fiver

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