Page 1 of It`s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World

DVDs & Films Forum

It`s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 4th December 2001, 02:54

In answer to Steve Topley who emailed me to ask if this is or has been out on R2, the answer is a definite no. I`d love to have seen it out on R2, or even a decent VHS print but the only version of the film that`s been available in the UK has been the Warner 4:3 VHS print that was mastered in the 1980`s.

I`ve heard no news about it being released in any other region, but I have my fingers crossed as an R2 version would be slightly higher definition than the current R1 copy.

RE: It`s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World

smithy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th December 2001, 18:17

Hi there

Don`t know of a specific release date but it has just been passed by the BBFC and it is DEFINATELY a DVD release that has been passed because there are DVD extras been passed too so hopefully not too long into 2002.


RE: It`s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 12th December 2001, 18:40

News to me :o)



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