Page 1 of And the award for most unbelievably pointless sequel goes too

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And the award for most unbelievably pointless sequel goes too

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2009, 11:49

S. Darko. The sequel we`ve all been waiting for :/ .

My god, who the f*ck gave this piece of s*** the green light?


This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th February 2009, 11:56

RE: And the award for most unbelievably pointless sequel goes too

droogy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2009, 12:10

This is unbelievable >:( :o

S. Darko takes place in the summer of 1995, seven years after the original film. It follows Donnie Darko`s younger sister, Samantha (Daveigh Chase), who, in the wake of his death, has found herself at age 17 with a broken family, mired in feelings of insignificance. She and her best friend Corey (Evigan) set off on a road trip to Hollywood in a bid to `make it big`, but their journey is cut short when their car breaks down unexpectedly, leaving them stranded in a small desert town. When a meteorite happens to crash-land nearby, Samantha is plagued by bizarre visions telling of the universe`s end and it appears that their breakdown was part of some grander plan. When she finds out she was actually adopted by the Darkos, and that she is in no way related to Donnie, she must face her own demons and, in doing so, save the world and herself

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This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th February 2009, 12:16

RE: And the award for most unbelievably pointless sequel goes too

JohnnyTV (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2009, 12:40

That sounds incredibly s***e.

Why bother? Simple - plenty of morons will go see it (well renting it will probably be the only option) - the same reason why we`ve been treated to sequels to Cruel Intentions, Bring It On, American Psycho and many more

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RE: And the award for most unbelievably pointless sequel goes too

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2009, 14:04

Heard about this a while back. It does sound like a load of arse, but I`ll probably watch it just to see where they take it.

RE: And the award for most unbelievably pointless sequel goes too

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2009, 14:06

Yeah I heard about this a while back too, and the abysmal trailer (which just has shots from the first film in it) is as bad as you would expect.

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RE: And the award for most unbelievably pointless sequel goes too

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2009, 17:30

I honestly thought it was an april fool. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.. :(

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RE: And the award for most unbelievably pointless sequel goes too

kennedy316 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2009, 19:15

Hey nothing surprises me, afterall theyve made two Panther films with Steve Martin

RE: And the award for most unbelievably pointless sequel goes too

admars (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th July 2009, 11:32

I saw a few adverts on tv for S. Darko the last week or so (on Sci Fi channel I think) annoucing its release tomorrow, then yesterday missus showed me an advert in Heat Magazine for it with

The TV advert didn`t suggest it was straight to dvd, although I thought it might be ;)

4/10 at imdb

anyone here seen it? Missus and I enjoyed Donnie Darko at the cinema, not sure if we`ve seen it since then on DVD, but don`t think we`ll give this one a go.

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