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Where to buy Japanese animie DVDs?

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 19:20

Hello, can anyone tell me where i could buy a couple of Japanese Animie Dvds in the UK or Europe that i am looking for, i am looking for....

Kiki,s Delivery Service and My Neighbour Totoro.

I can get a hold of the Hong Kong release of them, but the quality is not as great as the original Japanese ones from what i have read.

I would appreciate some help.


RE: Where to buy Japanese animie DVDs?

Epyon (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 21:39

If its the Japanaese Anime DVD`s you require then check this site out

RE: Where to buy Japanese animie DVDs?

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 23:00

I will have a look.


RE: Where to buy Japanese animie DVDs?

SC00T3R (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th February 2002, 02:08

Not sure about this site... the only Miyazaki titles I could see were Ocean Waves / On Your Mark (single dvd) and Conan The Boy in Future (3 disc set).

Neither Ocean Waves nor the On Your Mark music video are available in Japan yet and the Japanese Conan dvds don`t have English subs!?!

There was a 6 disc set doing the rounds on ebay a while back which contained bootlegs of most of the major Studio Ghibli releases to date:

disc 1 - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind / Only Yesterday
disc 2 - Whisper of the Heart / Princess Mononoke
disc 3 - My Neighbor Totoro / Pom Poko
disc 4 - Porco Rosso / Laputa: Castle in the Sky
disc 5 - Grave of the Fireflies / Kiki`s Delivery Service
disc 6 - Ocean Waves / On Your Mark it would appear that at least one of these is a bootleg unless anyone knows different.

I`d say you would be better off ordering directly from Japan... should have what you are after and don`t be put off by the language barrier as the site can be set to English :o)

Hope that helps

RE: Where to buy Japanese animie DVDs?

Kain^ (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 02:21

Dunno if anyone owns or know where this can be obtained, but i`ve been told from somone who was involved with the production of the UK DVD release of "Blood: The Last Vampire" that there is a 130minute version of the entire film.

what i mean by "entire film" meaning that the version on DVD in the UK + US is only part one of three, and the 130 min version is avaliable in japan.

If anyone out there owns this can you please tell me :-

1. where u got it from
2. is it worth it.?

RE: Where to buy Japanese animie DVDs?

Nick Foster (Competent) posted this on Friday, 1st March 2002, 09:24

I got my copy of Totoro from

They are expensive but that`s Japanese DVDs for you. The picture on this disk is outstanding.

RE: Where to buy Japanese animie DVDs?

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st March 2002, 22:07

Hi, i ordered both movies from thought it was going to be a lot of hasstle as they wanted a photocopy of my Credit Card statement before they sent them, but was very surprised to have them delivered 3 days later.....very quick service!

The DVDs were neatly packed in a box full of flyers,stickers and 2 small posters.....maybe they were trying to impress as i was a new customer.

For two movies which were made in 88 and 89 they look as good as any new movie today....Superb Quality.

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