DVDs & Films Forum


RWB (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 19:25

I`m not taking the p*** or moaning (she may be a competent reviewer in other areas), but there are a few things in the above review that annoyed me:

1) She marked it low in content because she `saw it after "Vanilla Sky"`. Apparently, if she had seen it before, she would have liked it more.

2) She criticised the Dolby Surround 2.0 track (fair deal, I gave it 6/10), but she then made the comment about how good the sound on "Vanilla Sky" was in the cinema. Of course it would be better in the cinema, as cinema sound is one of the key attractions, and most DVDs can`t replicate this!

3) She said there were no extra features, which is wrong as there are some Production Notes (OK, they are crap, but their extras nonetheless) and then she marked extras as 1/10...if there were no extras, why give it 1?

What do other people think?


General Thade (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 21:56

I didn`t read the review, but l think Vanilla Sky is much better than Open Your Eyes.

Crowe`s direction is much better and the pop culture with execellent soundtrack are great! And come on, Cameron Diaz!

So what if its a remake, l prefer Wheatus version of Erasure`s A Little Respect and Ewan McGreggor Our Song, better than Elton`s

(Maybe not the reply xenon was looking for)


cjrushbrook (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 28th February 2002, 11:51

Well I`m keeping myself pure for the original myself (having still not seen either version). I`ve got the Spanish DVD release of Abre Los Ojos on order from Spain which should hopefully counter the criticsms of the UK release in that it has a 5.1 spanish sountrack (English subtitles) and quite a few extras including the isolated score and a making of featurette. Most (if not all) of the extras will be in Spanish I imagine, but this is where being fluent in a second language comes in handy.

Will let you know what it`s like when it turns up.



Sarah Scott (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st March 2002, 13:24

I did say right from the outset that this was going to be a comparison.

I believe this DVD was just knocked out quick to cash in on the the hype over Vanilla Sky. I wish I had seen it first but I stand by my comments. I even saw Open Your Eyes at my local cinema and the sound was great. Your comments on home cinema sound not being as good as cinema sound is a bit blinkered. I think my system and others systems my friends have often blow cinema sound out of the water. When watching Jurassic Park III in full DTS recently I felt a real sense of being inside the movie. It was delicate in parts, amazingly ferousious and aggressive in others. The cinema version I saw (also in DTS) was harsh, too loud and you couldn`t realy hear the full surround panning.

As for the production notes...can`t find em...the disc I got has only two options Play Movie or Scene Selection...sorry!

The film is superb and like I said is almost word for word the same as VS but I can add I do prefer the slightly longer ending of Open Your Eyes.


Sarah Scott (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st March 2002, 13:29

And finally I`m a big softie and will never give 0 for anything, it`s just my personal choice...It`s got scene selection goddamit!!


Jason Bagnall (Competent) posted this on Friday, 1st March 2002, 16:52

Hope I`m not being offensive, but I thought that this thread was total & utter gibberish, not to mention a tad harsh, you nonce him Sarah!

This item was edited on Friday, 1st March 2002, 16:58


RWB (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st March 2002, 20:47

I know, it was a bit harsh but I do respect Sarah as a reviewer (see the comment I put at the top of my original post) but I was expressing three quibbles which Sarah cleared up. Thanks to everyone who participated.



Sarah Scott (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st March 2002, 20:52

You are a gentleman and a scholar!

Thanks you for your critique...always welcome!


dicanio (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 3rd March 2002, 21:43

As we are on the subject,
I dont like this guy who slaughtered North By Northwest.
I mean its a masterpiece and the guy clearly doesnt know what he is talking about. Its brilliant and the dvd is fantastic. I dont think he has seen the film or the dvd as i personally believe that no one who has seen it and has half a brain can say many if any bad things about it.
I know it comes down to a matter of opinion but this guy says that there are no major stars in it. Everyone knows who Cary Grant is/was.
I have taken offense to this review. I am a big fan of the movie

This item was edited on Sunday, 3rd March 2002, 21:48

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