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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Games sale at Toys R Us

peteh (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 26th February 2003, 18:28

Been to Toys R Us today and they have quite a good game sale, these are the two that I noticed in the Xbox section :-

Rallisport Challenge - £14.99
Rocky - £19.99

Both get 4 out of 5 in XboxGamer.

They also have a sale on PS2 and Gamecube, sorry didn`t get time to have a look at the titles.

RE: Games sale at Toys R Us

Colemeister (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th February 2003, 09:02

Is this in-store only?

RE: Games sale at Toys R Us

peteh (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th February 2003, 21:24

Haven`t looked at the web page.

Apparently these games were done by the same developers that did 99% of Lamborghini, hence that is why they are so cheap.

RE: Games sale at Toys R Us

Satanica (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th February 2003, 01:47

The sales ended a short while ago. Dont be surprised if it`s just a price drop on certain games. As far as I know we havent had any big offers like a Sale sent through.

RE: Games sale at Toys R Us

peteh (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 2nd March 2003, 10:09

Yes there wer only a few games that were in the sale.

I actually bought Rallisport Challenge on Friday for £14.99, and think that it is very good indeed, it has a more arcade feel than Colin McCrae3 but the graphics are better and there are lots of features to keep you entertained. Well worth £15 anyway.


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