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PS2 fault, buggered if I know?

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 12:23

This fault happend almost overnight. Playing afew games couple of night ago everything was fine no problems, started it up this morning but for some reason it wont read game disks, yet audio and dvd`s will work fine?? Got me foxed, anyone else had a simular problem and is there an easy fix?

Just my luck its a month out of warranty :-(

The Shi*house poet needs a good thrashing, Grafitti ISNT cool.... kiddies!

RE: PS2 fault, buggered if I know?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 12:32

Don`t worry about it being a month out of warranty.
The law is that your machine should work for a " reasonable time "
Clearly 13 ( I am assuming 12+1 ) months is not a reasonable amount of time.
Take it back and get it repaired !

RE: PS2 fault, buggered if I know?

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 12:41

This is a clear attempt by Sony for world domination. Machine knackers up after Xmonths, get it replaced, total number of machines shipped is
increased and voila they are thrashing GC & XBOX.

Seriously though, my nephew is on his 3rd PS2 in less than 12 months
and one of his school friends had to take SIX (count `em) back to Curry`s
for similar problems.

Anyone else heard similar stories?

RE: PS2 fault, buggered if I know?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 14:14

"for some reason it wont read game disks, yet audio and dvd`s will work fine??"

Is it chipped, by any chance?


RE: PS2 fault, buggered if I know?

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 14:30

Cheers for posting fella`s! This is now the **3RD** PS2 that has developed the same fault, Gamestation have become increasingly reluctant to exchange the PS2`s for one that actually works, the manager has said in passing on more than one occasion that he thinks there`s something "dodgy" going on and was I "sure" I hadnt tampered with either of the units I returned, needless to say I aint to impressed with the so called customer support im receiving. Do these people think I enjoy traveling 25 miles in heavy traffic to replace the broken units, beats me!

Mike, not chipped matie!

The Shi*house poet needs a good thrashing, Grafitti ISNT cool.... kiddies!

RE: PS2 fault, buggered if I know?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 14:43

Don`t stand for his petty inuendo and blatant accusations of tampering.Your rights are such that you are entitled to a repair at least,and you could push for a replacement if you`re determined enough.
God I hate store managers...always treating you like you`re a spotty teenage oik...
He`s lucky you`re obviously easy going.
If he accused me of tampering he`d get the machine shoved so far up his poopchute he`d have to load it through his mouth...

RE: PS2 fault, buggered if I know?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 15:53

Well said Bowf.

Actually I`ve got the same problem with my PS2. They`re renowned for being shoddily made and after a while most of them do develop a fault. I took mine apart and cleaned the laser. Its definitely a common problem though, just do a search on Google for proof.

Oh, and mine IS chipped.

RE: PS2 fault, buggered if I know?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 16:28

I`m going to be one of those annoying " I`m ok jack " beggers..
I`ve had a PS2 for 2 years and my mate got one of the first ones ever as he`s mates with a game shop owner and managed to get one `under the counter` before they were officially released.( paid £350 for it !!! )
Neither have broken down once..

I`m away to buy a second PS2 for the spare room...I`ve gone and done it nowt haven`t I....

RE: PS2 fault, buggered if I know?

NEXUSX (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 26th April 2003, 00:54

Hi Dusty,
I think you may find the following useful:

It lists alot of the common ps2 faultys and their remidies
they also sell ps2 spares


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