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Just started playing Metroid on the Gamecube....

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 10:59

.....and I`m finding the controls truly tricky....does anyone else wish they`d put strafe on the left analogue stick instead of having to pull the bl**dy trigger all the time?

I`m sure I`ll get used to it soon but it`s really doing my head in!

Anyone finished it? How was it? There were loads of people applauding it when it first came out, but that happens with every new big name game that comes out.....


RE: Just started playing Metroid on the Gamecube....

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 11:11

You do get used to it.

I`ve finished it and it is fantastic. The framerate never drops and all the old upgrades, secret locations etc. are there.
An amazing transition into 3D!!

In fact it`s my best game for the Cube. :o Maybe..


RE: Just started playing Metroid on the Gamecube....

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 13:30

as per t`other Ste, it soon becomes second nature, and you`ll find yourself trying
to use this method in other "FPS" :D

I did anyway :)

absolute class game, technically it $h1t$ on most games from a massive height.


RE: Just started playing Metroid on the Gamecube....

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 13:44

Well, been playing for a couple of hours now and although I`m still finding it a little tricky it`s definitely becoming more "natural" feeling......even if my hands still think they`re playing Halo or Red Faction from time to time!!

I`ve just cleared the first mission (I`m not the best at computer games but my excuse for the lovgevity is that I took two work calls which were quite lengthy - honest :D ) and, you`re right, it`s smoo-ooth.

Must say that I love the ball - what a quality idea that is......anyway, must crack on!


RE: Just started playing Metroid on the Gamecube....

elephant (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 16:35

I`ve just started it too and there`s some very nice touches the little insects that are trying to escape the spaceship with Shamus.I`m just on the first boss creature.Apparently the next level is more open and pretty spectacular......

RE: Just started playing Metroid on the Gamecube....

Satanica (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th January 2004, 23:57

Wouldnt really call it the next level since its pretty much the whole damn game :) The station is more just a training mission

RE: Just started playing Metroid on the Gamecube....

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 28th January 2004, 11:59

Still have never got around to buying this... where is it cheapest at? :/

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

RE: Just started playing Metroid on the Gamecube....

sj (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th January 2004, 12:39

Get it for £19.99 now can`t you? With the Zelda bonus disk? As a `send off` thingy with your receipt.


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