Page 1 of Help needed with Playstation 2

Gaming and Consoles Forum

Help needed with Playstation 2

Brian Riches (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 14:16

Can anyone help with a problem on a friend`s PS2?

He has a copy of DVDRegionX and has tried to use this to enable DVD playback on his son`s PS2. However, the DVDID and DVDVER information that comes up is, in both cases, 3.00E. The website doesn`t list any codes for this, nor does there seem to be any way to ask about it.

Has anyone got any guidance to offer?

RE: Help needed with Playstation 2

gajones (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 18:35

i had a similar problem with mine and in the end just got an action replay which gave me region free dvd playing and access to cheats and things

this has saved my life a few times like recently where my region 1 x files season 9 dvd boxset won`t play properly on my dvd player but plays nicely on my ps2



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