Page 1 of Saving part way through gameboy advance games

Gaming and Consoles Forum

Saving part way through gameboy advance games

perky77 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd May 2002, 13:49

I am considering buying a GBA and would like to know if it remebers where you are in the game when you switch it off, like a memory card. I don`t fancy playing for two hours and then turning it off and having to start again
Any help will be greatly appreciated

RE: Saving part way through gameboy advance games

Ratt (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd May 2002, 16:50

Hi Perky77 u do not need a memory card u have a option in the game to save and you ave it to that game , can u imagine playing a game for an hour and not saving it and having to do it all again NO WAY

RE: Saving part way through gameboy advance games

perky77 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd May 2002, 17:09

Ok so you are playing one game and save.
Put in your old tetris game and have a quick play.
Then put the first game back in.
Will the GBA still have saved where you were on the game the last time you played it, even though you have played something else in the meantime

RE: Saving part way through gameboy advance games

Ratt (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd May 2002, 18:47

Yep, No Problembo :o)

RE: Saving part way through gameboy advance games

Wad (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd May 2002, 21:57

It depends on the game and if it has a battery backed up save. I`ve not seen a GBA game that doesn`t yet, although I`ve only played a handful. One or two on the NeoGeo Pocket used to take power from the console, so removing the game cartridge would lose your save.
Buy one, any game worth playing will be ok.

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