Page 1 of lardarse are you sure ......

Gaming and Consoles Forum

lardarse are you sure ......

aggassi (Competent) posted this on Friday, 31st May 2002, 15:38

steve are you sure its pc world were you saw the deal on the gamecube ive just called them and tried there web site but theyre not doing that deal you mentioned nor have they ever done that deal they told me..:(
does anyone else know were the best deals on gamecubes are please ?

RE: lardarse are you sure ......

Ratt (Competent) posted this on Friday, 31st May 2002, 16:50

Still Toys R Us best price I`ve found , steve thats well cheap ,TFT screens are £80/£90 onthere own ?

RE: lardarse are you sure ......

lardarse (Competent) posted this on Friday, 31st May 2002, 16:59

Absolutely sure, I saw this on dvdforums and was very sceptical myself. I went there and saw nothing about it and had to ask. The lovely lady eventually found what I was talking about so I bought one. (hence my advert in the Trading Forum) Take a look at comments by other punters on the forums.

Just ask!


RE: lardarse are you sure ......

lardarse (Competent) posted this on Friday, 31st May 2002, 17:01

In fact the secret computer code is this..



RE: lardarse are you sure ......

aggassi (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 1st June 2002, 14:00

hi mate i just called up the pc world help line..(thats a joke)
i was put on hold for over 30 mins and when i finally got threw they said it was a hoax this deal has never been done and when i asked them to check again they said look mate this offer has never been done nor will it be done..i even quoted that number code you posted but they said its not on the syatem..:(

RE: lardarse are you sure ......

lardarse (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 1st June 2002, 14:03

Lying scumbags!

RE: lardarse are you sure ......

aggassi (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 1st June 2002, 18:19

hi mate just been on the phone to them again they said yeah there doin a deal with two games but theres no way theyd give me a tv screen they said either a joy pad or a cable but not a screen they said theyve never done that..which store did u goto and was it the deal...(two games and a pereferall off your choice deal) have they got a list of periferals u can have or were u lucky and got a dumb store?because my store in bolton says theres a choice of two items only u can have with it:(

RE: lardarse are you sure ......

lardarse (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 1st June 2002, 18:32

The store I used was Silverlink. Thats the right deal though 2 games and a peripheral of your choice. The lady didnt think it would work but it scanned in fine, so she covered her own back (COMPUTERS NEVER MAKE MISTAKES!). I think a personal visit to a store will prove more fruitful. The guy on the dvd forums reckons he got a second pad AS WELL!


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