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Kill Bill!!!!

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 10th January 2003, 22:26

Have a look here for the trailer to the new Tarantino movie, Kill Bill!:-

So, what do you think? Looks very stylish, but I`m sittting on the fence on this one til it gets a cinema release.

RE: Kill Bill!!!!

Bubblegum (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 00:52

Is it right what my brother tells me, that after this QT is working on a script about a story based on the Vega brothers?

RE: Kill Bill!!!!

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 01:24

Your Brother would be right, i think both Travolta and Madson are both on board.

RE: Kill Bill!!!!

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 03:42

What do u think of the trailer then?

RE: Kill Bill!!!!

movie_buff (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 09:46

Vegas brothers is going to be set in the 80`s and the are both own a nightclub.
As far as Kill Bill, even if its half as good as it looks, it will still be twice as good as some of the pap out there at the moment.

RE: Kill Bill!!!!

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 10:38

I heard after this QT is doing a ww2 film called the inglorious bastards

RE: Kill Bill!!!!

gearbox (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 10:42

Sorry,my mistake.Thought you said he was making a film about The VENGA boys.
There rise to fame and sudden vapourisation from life.It`s good to fly Venga airways and travel on the Venga bus.

RE: Kill Bill!!!!

Rawshark (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 11:10

I thought the trailer looked like he had tried to make a cheesy 70`s style kung fu flick, and whilst it looks very tongue-in-cheek, there`s plenty of crap like that around.
I hope it`s alot better than the trailer shows it to be.

RE: Kill Bill!!!!

sj (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 11:31

Yeah, on the fence for me too. Some of it looked great and `realistic` until she just stood on the sword.
Look forward to it though. Cheers for the link.


RE: Kill Bill!!!!

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 13:23

Yeah the standing on the sword ruined it for me too, although I`m thinking its maybe a dream sequence?

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