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Should we give Saddam political asylum?

wizzy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 12:30

Once the war is over, and assuming his regime is overthrown, should Tony B offer Saddam political asylum in the UK?

I don`t see why it would be a problem - given that it wasn`t so long ago the Taliban were shooting at our troops - and Tony B is now quite happy to have some of them here.

RE: Should we give Saddam political asylum?

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 12:36

Give him a gun with one bullet, lock him in a room and let him do the decent thing.

RE: Should we give Saddam political asylum?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 15:19

I know Saddam is a very nasty man, but I think we should provide him political asylum for the sole reason that I want to see the front page of the Daily Mail following the news.


RE: Should we give Saddam political asylum?

wizzy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 15:39

....especially when the Daily Mail finds out he`s been given unlimited legal aid to fight his `war crimes` trial!

RE: Should we give Saddam political asylum?

kcab (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 17:08

Tony B offer Saddam political asylum in the UK?

Yes of course we should, we have got some of the finest mourge`s in Europe, He is more than welcome to use one!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 17:09

RE: Should we give Saddam political asylum?

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 23:56

I`d like to see the Mirror`s reaction to such a turn of events. A headline along the lines of `Justice Done` or `Its Only Fair, Mr Blair` perhaps?

RE: Should we give Saddam political asylum?

Aslan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 00:17

Why not? He`ll be able to buy a flat in Kensington and maybe take over the Chairmanship of Chelsea. He`ll then probably buy a large store and be invited for tea at the Palace. After a couple of years everyone will think..Saddam....what a great guy, British to the core. To round things off he`ll get a knighthood from Michael Portillo`s `Gay Conservative` Government. George Dubya will speak highly of this `great man`.

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