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anyone had any hassle off sky wanting payments?that you dont owe !

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 28th July 2003, 09:59

right i had sky installed about 3 years ago now it was on offer £40 installation had it on full package for about 8 months wasnt really watching films etc so got lesser pack coming up to my 11 months with being with sky i got a problem with signal quality pictures breaking up etc checked signal which was low on tech info on box rang sky up they said they would charge me if dish had moved i wasnt too happy so i written them my notice and cancelled my direct debited @ bank after id spoken to there ccservices dept about month after that recieved phone callls @ work chasing a £32 quid i owed em anyone i detested it but payed it in the end anyway now after not being with sky for @ least 2 years they are hounding me again saying that because i pulled out of my contract i owe them approx £100 for the equipment of which i binned the digibox and the dish is still on the wall ive phoned the bank up and they say they can get all details of all payments ive made to sky but would need dates etc ive binned all my contract details etc though what can i do :/

RE: anyone had any hassle off sky wanting payments?that you dont owe !

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Monday, 28th July 2003, 11:16

I think the £100 is for the `interactive` subsidy, which goes towards the cost of the equipment and installation. If you cancel your sub or disconnect the box from the phone line before the minimum 12 months are up, you have to pay this back - it`ll be in your contract. Them`s the rules I`m afraid.

In my opinion, you did two daft things:

1) Cancelling the subscription when you only had one month left to run. It would have been a lot cheaper (and much less hassle) to keep it on the minimum package until the 12 months were up, and cancelling afterwards.

2) Binning the digibox!!! :o They are worth a fair amount second hand, and the money would have gone some way towards paying Sky what you owe them.


RE: anyone had any hassle off sky wanting payments?that you dont owe !

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 28th July 2003, 12:50

Think you dropped a boo boo there. Sky are a real pain in the arse when they get going!

The Shi*house poet needs a good thrashing, Grafitti ISNT cool.... kiddies!

RE: anyone had any hassle off sky wanting payments?that you dont owe !

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 28th July 2003, 16:03

thing is i was told to write in a note of end of contract within last 30 days but i hadnt watched sky for the last 5 weeks of my contract due to bad signal ill let u know how i get on

RE: anyone had any hassle off sky wanting payments?that you dont owe !

goodfella66 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 28th July 2003, 17:13

Jeez, mickymcd2, I sympathise with your problem but haven`t you heard of full stops & capital letters! ;)

RE: anyone had any hassle off sky wanting payments?that you dont owe !

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Monday, 28th July 2003, 19:58

I will never forget a few years back when I had the old sky analogue service and had cancelled the contract a few months later I had a phone call from sky asking if I would be interested in trying sky sports for 3 months half price and no commitment after just phone up and stop it any time , well I forgot to cancel the direct debit but had told sky to stop the service after the 3 months and was a bit annoyed when I found I had been billed for the full cost of the forth month so I phoned up sky and spoke to a supervisor who told me there was no way would I have been offered a 3 month only trial and it was for a minimum 12 months and she argued like hell on this until I asked if she would like me to send a recording of the initial conversation as it was recorded on my answer machine and after a very long pause I was told there must have been a mistake and they would refund any money taken for service outside the 3 month trial .

I have heard a few other horror stories concerning sky , no way will they get my custom again.


RE: anyone had any hassle off sky wanting payments?that you dont owe !

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 11:58

Watch the feckers if they phone and offer you ` free trials ` of something like Film4.
They did that to me. I took it. Why not I thought.
I quickly learned to ignore Film4 as it really is the worst movie channel going.
So I didn`t notice I was still getting it months down the line.
Until I checked a bill...
I threw a hairy fit at SKY. Definitely entrapment.
The guy on the phone did not tell me I would start being billed automatically if I didn`t cancel it at the end of the trial.
I hate SKY, but I have no alternative where I live.

RE: anyone had any hassle off sky wanting payments?that you dont owe !

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 16:21

The `interactive` part of the contract is a real hassle if you have kids.

I found my phone bill going through the roof for a couple of months when the wee tyke was playing interactive games on Sky, after coming in from school. Eventually he owned up to it. No pocket money for him for a while.

Since then, I just disconnected the phone line from the back four months before the contract ran out.

Now as the contract is finished I have ditched the phone line to the digibox.

My main concern now with Sky is the length of time for `advertisments and whats coming up next`, it is now getting up to 6 minutes for intervals.

If this goes any longer, I will be ditching Sky.

RE: anyone had any hassle off sky wanting payments?that you dont owe !

andychamb (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 22:41

Quick message to Sky `Freeview` users.

If like me you were about to cancel your Sky sub and just watch the Freeview channels beware. If you do that you will lose ITV1, CH4 & CH5. Sky have decided to remove them from the `Free to air` list because BBC have gone their own way (seen it on the news?). Nothing you can do except live with it or buy a Freeview box. Although `Free to View` the only way to get these 3 on Sky is to pay £18.50 per month. Cheers then. Current BBC Freeview cards will be switched off by Sky mid to late August unless you got yours between now and Feb 2003. You no longer need a card to watch BBC with a Sky box.

If this link works there`s more here:-

Just thought I`d mention it, sorry if there`s already a thread going!!

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