I have a 28 inch Sony WEGA widescreen TV. Recently, I purchased a Sony 735 DVD player from Techtronics. Great picture! Unfortunately, whilst watching DVD`s, I began to notice a slight, but annoying, ghosting effect, where the outline of images are reproduced and shifted slightly to the right. The effect is especially noticable when dark objects are viewed against light backgrounds. Having noticed it first on DVD playback, I then became aware the problem was also there on satellite and analogue TV, and VCR pics. Everything is connected to the TV using scart leads. I also purchased an expensive, high quality scart lead: however, this made absolutely no difference to the picture. I`ve also noticed the black bars at the side of thepic when in 4:3 mode are slightly concave, not straight.
Anybody got any ideas about what might be causing the problem(s), and what I could do about it.