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Your Top 10 films of the Year 2003!!!!!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd December 2003, 23:52

I know there is a similar thread in the Software forum, but I wanted to see people`s definitive Top 10 films of 2003. They had to be first released in the UK in 2003, so that will most likely mean a cinema release. This is not DVDs, but the actual films. Here is my list off the top of my head, although it may change somewhat (I`ve seen a lot!). Lets start at the top: :D

1. The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
2. City Of God
3. X-Men 2
4. Touching The Void
5. Hulk
6. Kill Bill Volume 1
7. Catch Me If You Can
8. Punch Drunk Love
9. Sympathy For Mr Vengeance
10. Pirates of the Caribbean

As I said, this is off the top of my (slightly drunk) mind, so I`ll need to think about it tomorrow :)

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

This item was edited on Monday, 22nd December 2003, 23:53

RE: Your Top 10 films of the Year 2003!!!!!

GregWW (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd December 2003, 00:37

Here is mine:

1. The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
2. Pirates Of The Caribbean
3. Finding Nemo
4. The Rules Of Attraction
5. Master And Commander
6. Catch Me If You Can
7. The Matrix: Revolutions
8. Tears Of The Sun
9. The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
10. Solaris

I would like to add the ROTK wins by an absolutely massive margin :D

RE: Your Top 10 films of the Year 2003!!!!!

Michael. (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd December 2003, 03:01

This list is in no particular order but here goes.

The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
Pirates Of The Caribbean
Finding Nemo
The Rules Of Attraction
The Matrix: Reloaded
The Matrix: Revolutions
X-Men 2
Final Destination 2
Freaky Friday

Well this is my list of the ones released in cinemas this year but of the films I watched myself this year I would have also wanted to add the following to the list:-

The Hours
28 Days Later
The Ring
The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers


RE: Your Top 10 films of the Year 2003!!!!!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd December 2003, 12:51

Hmmm... that got me thinking. What are the worst films you`ve seen this year?

The Hours is a terrible film in my book. Crap film, crap story and crap production values. Although I`d expect nothing less from the man who directed Billy Elliot :/

And Bulletproof Monk was perhaps the worst film!

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Your Top 10 films of the Year 2003!!!!!

PAULH (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd December 2003, 13:45

My Top Ten

Return of the King
Kill Bill
X-Men 2
Spirited Away
About Schmidt
Finding Nemo
Pirates of the Caribbean
Master and Commander
Ghosts of the Abyss (IMAX)
Road to Perdition

- Best DVD release Indiana Jones Box Set
- Biggest waste of time Matrix Revolutions

RE: Your Top 10 films of the Year 2003!!!!!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 14:39

Does anyone feel like reflecting on last year now that it is completely in the past?

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Your Top 10 films of the Year 2003!!!!!

RWB (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 14:49

My list, which is derived from my cinema trips in 2003:

01. Phone Booth
02. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
03. Catch Me If You Can
04. The Matrix Reloaded
05. Mystic River
06. About Schmidt
07. Cold Mountain
08. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
09. X-Men 2
10. Love Actually

Of the top 10 list above, I own 4 of them on DVD. Other films that spring to mind include The Hours, Daredevil, The Italian Job, American Pie: The Wedding, Finding Nemo, The Matrix Revolutions, Identity, S.W.A.T., Adaptation and Bruce Almighty.

A big disappointment was Chicago, something that did not deserve the Best Picture Oscar.

This year looks set to be a very good one - this very afternoon I am setting out to see Lost in Translation, and in the next couple of weeks I will see The Last Samurai. I may even go and see Paycheck and/or Elephant in the coming weeks - and Feb. brings Something`s Gotta Give and Mona Lisa Smile.

Click here to e-mail Rik Booth
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This item was edited on Monday, 12th January 2004, 20:47

RE: Your Top 10 films of the Year 2003!!!!!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 16:41

A big disappointment was Chicago, something that did not deserve the Best Picture Oscar.

This year looks set to be a very good one - this very afternoon I am setting out to see Lost in Translation, and in the next couple of weeks I will see The Last Samurai. I may even go and see Paycheck and/or Elephant in the coming weeks - and Feb. brings Something`s Gotta Give and Mona Lisa Smile.

I have to agree with you on Chicago, it didn`t deserve the Oscar. But at least it wasn`t as bad as A Beautiful Mind :/

I`m seeing Lost In Translation tomorrow, already seen Last Samurai (very good). I love John Woo, but Paycheck looks pretty drab, hopefully it will be a surprise. If Elephant is the Gus Van Sant movie, it looks s***e... although I still want to see Gerry (which didn`t get shown in Scotland). Something`s Gotta Give and Mona Lisa Smile both look like sappy woman`s films, although Jack Nicholson is always good :D

Personally, there aren`t many films of much interest between now and March (because Kill Bill Vol. 2 was moved >:( ). But there are always loads of foreign films that come out "under the radar". I saw City of God on the 2nd of January last year, and it was the best film of the year until ROTK came out. Brilliant film :)

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Your Top 10 films of the Year 2003!!!!!

RWB (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 16:44

I liked A Beautiful Mind... :-)

John Woo is a great director, and my mate`s aunt is in Paycheck so will be dragged along regardless! From the look of Elephant`s trailer, I think it will be special - and it won the Palme d`Or. Apparently Gerry isn`t that great, mind.

SGG and MLS look like the only highlights in February, since Vol. 2 got moved to April - and yep, I`m sure something will pop up from under the radar.

Click here to e-mail Rik Booth
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RE: Your Top 10 films of the Year 2003!!!!!

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 18:06

Total Film didn`t rate Elephant, so it could be a case of a smaller film being over-rated.

The only films that I loved this year were:
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (my number 1 film ever)
Kill Bill Vol.1 - Brilliant fun, absolutely brilliant and moving soundtrack too.
Master and Commander - Thought I`d hate, bloody loved it.

Other honourable mentions go to:
Pirates of the Carribean, Narc, City of God, Finding Nemo, X2, Identity.

To be honest, I don`t think 2003 was a fantastic year for films, but I have faith 2004 will be better. Will probably watch Lost in Translation tonight, so will let you know what I think if I do.

Worst films:
Charlies Angels Full Throttle - No excuses, this was just plain awful.
Chicago - Was this, this year? Who cares, I hated it.

Something`s Gotta Give and Mona Lisa Smile both look like sappy woman`s films
lol! My sentiments exactly; films of far more interest out this year than those two.

BTW Rik, you placed Return of the King second on your list, though if I rememer rightly you didn`t like it when you saw it??? :/

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