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Woohoo! I passed my CBT today!

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 15:58

Well after years of deciding to do it, then chickening out, I have finally gone and passed my CBT. :D

It was a lot harder to ride a bike (a Yamaha 125) than I thought it would be. I can`t believe that in years gone by people could just buy one of these bikes with no training and go tearing off! :o

Struggled a bit with the U-Turn (I kept hitting the kerb), and really struggled getting used to pulling off (strange, never had problems with that before :p ), at one point he threatened to take me back to the centre as he thought I was too nervous to be on the road. But eventually I pulled it all together and I had no problems when pootling along the road.

Even if you don`t want to ride a bike, it`s an interesting day out, and as a car driver, it gives you a real insight into the difficulties that cars can create for bikes (especially that part where he shows you the bikers blind spot! :o )

Cheers for the advice that some of you gave me regarding this. Now I have just to save up to get my bike, take a few lessons and get back on the road! :D

RE: Woohoo! I passed my CBT today!

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 16:19

Riding a bike on the road definitely makes you a better all-round driver.Your observational skills will improve and you tend to develop a `sixth sense` for trouble.
You have to to survive !.
Well done though.
Your confidence will grow.
If anything,being timid and a complete beginner is a good thing.
Myself and all my fellow bike riding mates all started tearing around in fields from around 10 years old on.
By the time we were 16 and allowed to ride on the road we thought we knew it all and rode like idiots.
One more bit of advice for you.
Buy the best gear you can and WEAR A BACK PROTECTOR.
Next to head injuries,back injuries are the next most common cause of serious injury or death in biking.
A £60 back protector takes seconds to slip on and off under a jacket/suit and,from my racing experience,I can tell you they work.
Don`t consider some bit of foam sewn into a jacket a proper back protector.
Look at dedicated seperate ones by Knox/Dainese etc.etc.

Christ,I sound like your mother... :/ ;)

RE: Woohoo! I passed my CBT today!

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 16:35

Oh yeah, I forgot about all that stuff. Need to start saving for locks, helmet, boots, jacket, gloves and now a back protector as well! Sheesh! I thought it would be cheaper to be a biker than a car driver!

RE: Woohoo! I passed my CBT today!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 17:27

Bowfer, thats totally true. Me and my mates when we were kids used to buy mopeds off the local scallies for a few quid that theyd nicked and had thrashed out. Wed just ride then round the fields until they fell to pieces.

I think it initially made me quite over confident that id had quite a few hours in the saddle, but riding on the road for the first time really is s*** your pants scary.

If you ever want to feel exposed try doing your CBT. When i got over taken by an HGV for i nearly wet myself!

What im listening to (if youre interested)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 18:27

RE: Woohoo! I passed my CBT today!

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 18:27

Well done mate!

Now you`ve got the bike bug in your veins get on with those lessons!!


In Madness You Dwell

RE: Woohoo! I passed my CBT today!

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 18:29

It was a lot harder to ride a bike (a Yamaha 125) than I thought it would be. I can`t believe that in years gone by people could just buy one of these bikes with no training and go tearing off!
Yeah, did just that mumble mumble years ago. With 45 quid in me pocket took me dad up to a bike shop in the Old Kent Road. Handed over the dosh and got a BSA Bantam. Dad caught the bus home and I rode the bike home. No helmet, no gloves, no boots, no training. Still here though. (Oh and no major accidents since either) Am now a "born again" biker, current steed Yahama 535 Virago. Welcome to the two wheeler club mate. As someone further up said, it makes you a better all round driver, at least IMHO.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 19:31

RE: Woohoo! I passed my CBT today!

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 19:34


I have been sitting on the sofa having a few celebratory beers, just walked upstairs and have realised how stiff my shoulders, back and legs are from lugging the bike around.

Welcome to the two wheeler club mate. As someone further up said, it makes you a better all round driver

Cheersm but I was already a round driver, I could barely fit into the jacket they gave me to wear! :D

I`m now looking forward to getting on the road and doing my first biker nod.

RE: Woohoo! I passed my CBT today!

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 19:58

I have been sitting on the sofa having a few celebratory beers, just walked upstairs and have realised how stiff my shoulders, back and legs are from lugging the bike around.
You lugged the bike upstairs ? :D

RE: Woohoo! I passed my CBT today!

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 20:06

Damn! I knew I forgotten to leave something at the test centre!

RE: Woohoo! I passed my CBT today!

superunknown (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 20:25

Well done m8, I did mine last summer and my test in December (the test would have been in the summer too but I had an off and broke my wrist).

Pop along to and get some good riding advice in "survival skills"

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