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Pet Peeve No.1 - Being stopped by Charity Workers every lunchtime!!!!!!

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 13:22

I`m no menace to society, I try to contribute to charity and the less well-off - I consider myself to be an honest and straight-up type individual.

So why do I grit my teeth and despair at the multiple charity workers in the street outside my it because there are at least 25 of them all asking the same question? "can you spare a moment for Illegitamate Blind Ag`ed Dogs please?"
"Have you ever considered giving money to the Scientologist Ventriloquist Paintballing Amputees??"

Everyday - I run the Gauntlet - in fact I can`t run down to the local newsagent without being stopped by some over-excited youth whose face drops when I tell him I don`t have time. Sure I feel bad - but if I stopped for every one or even a few, I would spend the majority of my day talking nonsense.

I`m now leaving by the back door to escape! Yikes!

Do you have any pet peeves??????

Yours in desperation......

This item was edited on Monday, 20th September 2004, 14:28

RE: Pet Peeve No.1 - Being stopped by Charity Workers every lunchtime!!!!!!

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 13:38

Do you have any pet peeves

You can`t get them these days mate
EEC banned their import.
I had to make do with a cat.


RE: Pet Peeve No.1 - Being stopped by Charity Workers every lunchtime!!!!!!

GlennTheBaker (Competent) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 13:44

Similar to charity workers but I am sick to death of Market Researchers trying to collar me all the time. Once upon a time when they were a fairly rare sight I used to stop and answer a few questions but nowadays they are there almost every day. The way they home in on you from about 200 yards away is scary. :o

RE: Pet Peeve No.1 - Being stopped by Charity Workers every lunchtime!!!!!!

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 14:05

You can`t get them these days mate
EEC banned their import.
I had to make do with a cat.

Fnarr, Fnarr!

RE: Pet Peeve No.1 - Being stopped by Charity Workers every lunchtime!!!!!!

TinnionA (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 14:14

Just ignore them. After a while they get the message.

RE: Pet Peeve No.1 - Being stopped by Charity Workers every lunchtime!!!!!!

roar349 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 14:54

MP3 Player/Personal Stereo is handy for this (I can`t hear you so you`re not there)

RE: Pet Peeve No.1 - Being stopped by Charity Workers every lunchtime!!!!!!

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 15:03

You can`t ignore them - they change everyday!! ie. different groups and different faces - same spiel.

This item was edited on Monday, 20th September 2004, 16:08

RE: Pet Peeve No.1 - Being stopped by Charity Workers every lunchtime!!!!!!

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 15:06

I got a bit of grief a couple of years ago for not supporting a cancer charity `thing`.
When I pointed out that I had,a few years previously,done a parachute jump in aid of cancer research,raising over £2000 but permanently injuring my knee in the process they `made their excuses and left`.
They all seem to wrongly assume that you aren`t interested.
Not the case at all.
Just not interested in you approaching me mate.
If I want to donate I know where and how to do it thanks.

(Technically the knee injury was caused on a subsequent jump,but it doesn`t bleedin matter as it was the cancer thing that got me going in the first place dammit !! :p )

RE: Pet Peeve No.1 - Being stopped by Charity Workers every lunchtime!!!!!!

GlennTheBaker (Competent) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 15:09

If you walk past them pretending to be on your mobile they generally ignore you :D

RE: Pet Peeve No.1 - Being stopped by Charity Workers every lunchtime!!!!!!

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 15:15

That`s the point - I`m not against Charity! in fact i`m heavily involved with the Cancer Research Trust, but it`s everyday and in my way. When you only get an hour for lunch and literally 3 different charity groups plus some people trying to sell me paintballing or comedy at Jongleurs stop you at every third step - the stress levels rise.

I will never tell anyone to P*** Off - but I say it in my head and that`s how annoyed I am.

I think they can see it in my face though!!

As Ever,

The Novelty wore off long ago

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