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"The hardest game on the internet"

kev2050 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2004, 15:28

The object is to get to the last screen. There are 36, and there are no clues. Apparently only 0.04% of people can do it. How far can you get?


RE: "The hardest game on the internet"

slipperysam (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2004, 16:14

Made it to picture 4 so far, better get back to work lol


"Due to budget cutbacks, the light at the end of the tunnel has been extinguished." Spike Milligan

RE: "The hardest game on the internet"

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2004, 16:15

cant even gat past 2!!!

`I am going to live forever, or die trying`...

RE: "The hardest game on the internet"

dsm (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2004, 16:52

I`m on 5 - can`t be bothered doing anymore!! Life is too short!!

RE: "The hardest game on the internet"

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2004, 18:01

tell us how you get there coz I can`t get past 2 either!!

why take life so seriously..its not like you are going to make it out alive

RE: "The hardest game on the internet"

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2004, 18:33

Stuck on 3.

to get past 2: SPOILER:
Place your mouse pointer over the door handle. when the box comes up, don`t move your mouse, rather press enter, and the mouse pointer should be a hand, click on the mouse and you`ll get to 3

I ate what?

My Collection

RE: "The hardest game on the internet"

slipperysam (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2004, 19:08

To get past 3:

At the bottom of the PC screen it says "du bist immer so negativ". I put that into Google translator and it came back with "you are always so negative". Eventually tried changing "false" in the URL to "true", and it worked.

Now stuck on 8 >:(


"Due to budget cutbacks, the light at the end of the tunnel has been extinguished." Spike Milligan

RE: "The hardest game on the internet"

slipperysam (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2004, 23:55

Bump, still stuck on 8. Can anyone successfully hear the clue here..
Gives me an error >:(


"Due to budget cutbacks, the light at the end of the tunnel has been extinguished." Spike Milligan

RE: "The hardest game on the internet"

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 20th November 2004, 00:12

I`m getting a broken QT link

I ate what?

My Collection

RE: "The hardest game on the internet"

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 20th November 2004, 00:13

Can`t find the username/password on the 4th one or how to enter it!!
also only getting an error from your MP3 link

Jimbo : oÞ

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