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Just another example of Blairs Britain

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 14:34

Vicious barstewards think they can do anything they like these days
There should be a better deterrent than a few years in prison, but what i don`t know, Standard&ct=5


RE: Just another example of Blairs Britain

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 14:50

Christ,that`s spookily close to the plot of a book I`ve just finished reading this week !
Patient of a psychiatrist,who recommended they be put into care as a child,seeks revenge by attacking the psychiatrist`s loved ones...
So many nutters.
So little deterrent.

RE: Just another example of Blairs Britain

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 15:02

Vicious barstewards think they can do anything they like these days

Yeah, and prior to 1997 there was no violent crime at all... :/

RE: Just another example of Blairs Britain

SFBANKS (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 15:05

this would never happen under the tories!!!!!
Tony Blair should have been there and personally stopped him!
What a crap prime minister

RE: Just another example of Blairs Britain

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 16:09

Yeah, and prior to 1997 there was no violent crime at all...

Not on the scale we have in todays society. Thanks Tony

this would never happen under the tories!!!!!
Tony Blair should have been there and personally stopped him!
What a crap prime minister

I understand sarcasm. :¦

Blair, Soft on crime, Soft on the causes of crime.
Do you guys have anything to say about the item in my first post, Have a heart.

Vote Labour


RE: Just another example of Blairs Britain

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 17:06

From the article you link to:

`The Met risked charges of political interference by publishing a report by criminologist Professor Mike Hough, which claims that London`s rate of violent crime has actually fallen since 1997.

Professor Hough told the Standard: "Police statistics in the Met show a rise in violent crime since 1997.

"But this is almost certainly an artificial rise, caused by large changes in the way the police record crime. The BCS is a better guide to crime trends in London and, according to that, violent crime in London fell in the five years from 1997 - though there are now some signs that the trend is reversing."`

This item was edited on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 18:08

RE: Just another example of Blairs Britain

Zippy123 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 17:34

Absolutely nothing to do with Blair or any other party. How can the act of a mad person be a political issue. I doubt if one million extra police would make any differance in this sort of situation.

Lets put the politics on the back burner and just spend some time in thought for the victim.

RE: Just another example of Blairs Britain

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd April 2005, 08:13

Absolutely nothing to do with Blair or any other party. How can the act of a mad person be a political issue. I doubt if one million extra police would make any differance in this sort of situation.

It`s got bloody everything to do with Blair.
Perhaps if there was visible policing the nutter wouldn`t have done it.
Perhaps if there was visible policing,and he`d still done it,he would have been caught quickly and the woman would have recieved medical attention quicker.
Perhaps if there were minimum sentences for these types of nutters,instead of bleeding-heart social workers willing to cry `bad childhood` and `human rights` and judges willing to listen to them,he would have thought twice about doing it.
Blair`s fecking government is the first government I can remember that seriously takes the perpetrators rights,views,or feelings into account instead of treating them like the fecking animals they are. >:(

RE: Just another example of Blairs Britain

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd April 2005, 09:21

Nice one Bowf, agree totally.
It amazes me the number of people who defend Blair when clearly the man cares little or nothing for the people in this country.
So to those people worried about that poor depressed man who stabbed the mother in front of her children in surrey yesterday, Don`t worry i`m sure Cherie Blair will get him off with a caution maybe even get him compensation for the distress that the dying woman caused him.

See SFBANKS, I can do sarcasm too.


RE: Just another example of Blairs Britain

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd April 2005, 09:51

As a copper said yesterday, the police numbers may have risen, but for every officer they put on the streets, they put 4 in the office to do paperwork.

Additionally, who the f*** can trust crime statistics anymore? When I worked in the Home Office for the Crime Reduction department, they changed the way crime was reported virtually every month, causing some figures to rise and others to fall.

For example, when i was there mugging, or street robbery, was their big thing (in Birmingham at least). But when 90% of muggings at one point turned out to be for mobiles, they reclassified it and the stats for street robbery took a huge nose dive. Its Just stupid. They also claim that `Fear of Crime` is a problem in places where crime has actually fallen. Of course people are still scared when you change the crime stats bar every damn month!

I didnt work at the HO under a tory government so I couldnt say, but this Labour government has been a nightmare for the police and civil service alike. They change reporting methods as often as their socks. They ceaselessly pander to the press, introducing badly concieved, knee jerk legislation for every `hot` media issue (gun crime (dunblaine, etc), knife crime) which makes it impossible to do your job well. They flip flop on issues, pass blame down and generally make the average copper/civil servants life hell and almost unbearable to work under.

It is honestly a total nightmare working under this government. I did it for 3 years then left because I just couldnt take it any more. But I tell you what, its given me a different take on the police. I dont say `they should be arresting real criminals` or `theres never a copper around when you want one`. I just say `F***ing Blair............`

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