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Grey`s anatomy - story of young girl (daughter of brilliant surgeon) struggling with her live as a new surgeon
House - Hugh Laurie as a diagnostician with a caustic bedside manner and treats his staff like crap (but they seem to like it).
Any comments? Does anyone even watch this stuff? Or is it just me?
This item was edited on Thursday, 5th May 2005, 16:43
I usually avoid these things like I avoid any real doctor,but that `House` with Hugh Laurie is actually pretty good.
The only thing I cannot fathom is why they felt the need for him to have an American accent.
It seems to be it would have been just as effective if he`d kept his English accent,but there you go... :/
I cannot fathom is why they felt the need for him to have an American accent.He seems to do an American accent in every single thing he`s in nowadays. And its not even a good one. :/
Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?
The only thing I cannot fathom is why they felt the need for him to have an American accent.
As I understand it, the producers of House saw Laurie in the Stewart Little films and signed him on the strength of that. They assumed he was an American actor. It might be that his characters` as yet unrevealed `back story` might be based on him being an American. There might have to be some sort of explanation for him being a Brit otherwise.
Incidentally, I really liked the single episode that I`ve seen. :)