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Dvd on my pc not there anymore!!! help.

Craig Wolstenholme (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd January 2002, 15:59

i recently had to reboot my pc as i had a worm virus and was told the only way to get rid was to do a reboot which i did but that was last year in november and have recently moved house so my pc is all i can watch my dvds on at the moment but i placed a disc in and message was that it was unable to play disc i searched for my dvd player and could not find it anywhere have i lost it forever or do i need a disc to install my dvd back on to the pc any help would be appreciated.

RE: Dvd on my pc not there anymore!!! help.

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd January 2002, 16:15

shouldnt need an install disc. Shut the machine down and reseat the cables to the DVD drive. Should be a power cable and a data riboon cable. When your computer boots there may be a screen with Bios info and other stuff on it. Is the drive listed at all? You can also go into the control panel in windows, go into "system" and under " device manager" see if the drive is listed, normally at the top of the list.

RE: Dvd on my pc not there anymore!!! help.

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd January 2002, 19:31


Are you talking about the DVD Player (i.e. software to play the DVD`s) or the DVD drive itself - hardware. If you can still see the drive as D: (or whatever) under `My Computer` then there is no problem with the drive. If it is a DVD Software player you are looking for , whatever you had may have been uninstalled sometime. If you don`t have the original disk , I think there are some free ones to be had somewhere around the net (not exactly sure where tho). If this is the problem , do a search on Freeware /Shareware and look for DVD players. If it is the former , then ignore what I said and just look at the post above !!
Just another quick point , you say that you get the message cannot play disc - its not a Region Coding problem is it ?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 22nd January 2002, 19:38

RE: Dvd on my pc not there anymore!!! help.

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd January 2002, 20:44

You could try looking at for a software download. They have free/sharewares of pretty much everything you will ever need.

RE: Dvd on my pc not there anymore!!! help.

Craig Wolstenholme (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd January 2002, 17:57

have looked in systems and there was my cdrom with a plus next to it i clicked that and it said mashita dvdrom sr-8583 so it is there but do not know how to get to it . also when i put a dvd in it brings up a interactual player when i click on play it says no dvd and no it is not that i am playing the wrong region . i was operating a power dvd before and it was found in my program files but cannot be found anywhere . more help please.!!!!!!

RE: Dvd on my pc not there anymore!!! help.

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th January 2002, 23:01

Seems like a strange problem you have there Craig. Does the drive function correctly for CD`s - i.e. can you load a CD ROM or play an audio CD without any bother- is the problem just with DVD ?

RE: Dvd on my pc not there anymore!!! help.

Craig Wolstenholme (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 28th January 2002, 20:11

cd rom functions normal ie . i can play cds and games etc but no dvd i am stuck .

RE: Dvd on my pc not there anymore!!! help.

Craig Wolstenholme (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st January 2002, 19:12

still stuck .

RE: Dvd on my pc not there anymore!!! help.

ickle yoda (Competent) posted this on Monday, 4th February 2002, 20:12

I had the exact same problem on my laptop last week. I ended up trying to restart the pc to see if that would work. When the menu opens and says no dvd right clik on the program and there should be a properties option. If you click on that you will usually get a screen where you can choose which discs to run. When I did it I had to select a region for my laptop ( none were selected ) then just click apply and autostart and it worked ok.

This problem arose when I installed RegionKiller on my Toshiba laptop then tried to uninstall it.

Tell me if thats any use to ya!

RE: Dvd on my pc not there anymore!!! help.

dogcop (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2002, 00:23

buy a dvd player ....... problem sorted computers are a tool of the devil !!!,

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