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Hooligans - Storm Over Europe

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Monday, 11th March 2002, 10:31

Has anyone played this game? It just came out on friday and was wondering if its as good as it sounds!!!

RE: Hooligans - Storm Over Europe

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 11th March 2002, 14:24

Can`t understand what the fuss is about. Maybe it will stop little vandals from doing it in real life.

I play "Medal of Honour: Allied Assault" and I haven`t once yet stormed the Normandy beaches and slaughterd 50 Nazis with my tommy-gun. But there you go.


RE: Hooligans - Storm Over Europe

nobrot (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 11th March 2002, 16:51

no its not as good as it sounds.
the mouse control is jerky, as is the scrolling graphics.
buy it if you can get it cheap!

RE: Hooligans - Storm Over Europe

CAPTAINSHADWELL (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 14th March 2002, 14:41

Ive been playing this for a few weeks now and as soon as you get past the first level it just gets better. True, the mouse is jerky and graphics arent all that, but there aint much that beats it for entertainment value.Grumpy old bikers battering people with morning stars, getting the lads pi**ed up then starting a few chants, but funiest of all is the videos that come after u complete levels. These videos provide a good bit of entertainment but I dont get why there is a die hard hooly whos scottish when the rest of the firm arent. Still good fun with plenty of room for a better and improved sequel.Better graphics, more chants, more weapons, police with a bit more sense and bit more here and there would make this a classic.

RE: Hooligans - Storm Over Europe

Ben_Franklin (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 14th March 2002, 15:05

Had this game for a couple of months, and its not that good to be honest. But I suppose it never had to be considering the hype its had. I mean it`s gonna sell. The graphics are tiresome, the controls slow (took me ages just to get to grips with the tutorial!), and the novelty soon wears off. Yes the videos are ok, but not worth playing through the badly made levels for. Could`ve been better, but at heart its just a poorly made game, which will be bought because of the controversy surrounding it.


RE: Hooligans - Storm Over Europe

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 14th March 2002, 15:39

I hadn`t heard of it until the day I posted this thread! Since then I`ve got the demo (level two) and I`m not that impressed either! There is no real skill involved in the fighting from what I can see. As soon as the two gangs get together thats it, you cant control what happens.

The one thing I have found annoying is just how hard it is to set the supporters attacking someone who is walking, the fight icon only stays active for less then a second!

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