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Star Wars Ranking

BARNYARD (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 18:34

Whats everyones order of star wars film?, number 1 means the best:
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Star Wars
3. Attack of the Clones
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Phantom Menace

RE: Star Wars Ranking

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 19:00

3.New Hope
4.Attack Of the Clones
5.Ewoks caravan of courage
6.Ewoks battle for endor
7.The phantom menace

RE: Star Wars Ranking

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 19:44

what about the Star Wars: Holiday Special?!
surely that ranks up there..........? ;-)

RE: Star Wars Ranking

Greg WW (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th May 2002, 12:31

Definately Jedi first.

1. Jedi 10/10
2. A New Hope 10/10
3. Empire 9/10
4. Clones 8.5/10
5. Phantom 4/10 (except for Darth Maul who deserves a 7)

The others don`t constitute a rating because George Lucas refuses to recognise them now.

RE: Star Wars Ranking

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th May 2002, 14:11

oh come on how can you disregard the holiday special?! who can ever forget the trip to chewbaccas homeland and his family..... hmm

RE: Star Wars Ranking

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th May 2002, 15:04

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope (but with the original Han and Greedo scene)
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Attack of the Clones
5. Phantom Menace


RE: Star Wars Ranking

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th May 2002, 15:27

1 Empire Strikes Back
2 Return of the Jedi
3 Star Wars
5 = Attack of the Clones
5 = The Phantom Menace

There is just as much wrong with AotC as TPM, but at lest the final fight scene in TPM was good, whereas all the fight scenes in AotC were, well pretty s***.

RE: Star Wars Ranking

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th May 2002, 16:06

1. Empire - easily the best film, by a considerable margin I might add.
2. Star Wars - ok, so it`s now called A New Hope, but it`s still Star Wars to me.
3. Jedi - Don`t mind the muppets and the Ewoks too much, and the final battle between Vader and Luke is quality, as is the Battle of Endor.
4. Phantom Menace/Clones - Both have their good and bad points. Menace is slow and has Jar Jar, but it also has some pretty good acting and Darth Maul! Clones has some large-scale battles, but it all looks too "CGI", and most of the acting and dialogue are terrible. I also thought Jango Fett was a total pussy, and Threepio was also reduced to a second-rate Jar Jar. Still, lots of cool clone troopers and the Jedi were pretty hard until they met Dooku. Oh, and Yoda rocked.

The original trilogy are the only real Star War films for me. The new films can`t hope to live up to them, for many reasons, but they are interesting distractions.

RE: Star Wars Ranking

Saruman (Competent) posted this on Friday, 31st May 2002, 15:46

I think the problem really lies with the fact that most people who saw the original trilogy were kids. They were 1 of a kind, nothing had been seen before like them.

Now when they see the new films we are dissapointed as they were expecting them to be a bit more adult?

If you were to show the original trilogy to kids nowadays they possibly wouldn`t be that over excited about them as we as adults were/are.

3:Attack of the Clones
4 Empire
5: Phantom

This item was edited on Friday, 31st May 2002, 15:47

RE: Star Wars Ranking

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st June 2002, 12:32

1. Jedi
2. New Hope
3. Empire
4. Clones
5. Phantom

I`ve always thought Jedi is the most underrated - it`s FANTASTIC!!

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