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Gremlins Forum

Goading Messages to Apponents

Gogetter (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 13th March 2005, 14:30

I think it would be good if we are able to send messages to opponents after a fight has taken place as long as they are not too offensive such as swearing or name calling.

Another way is to have fixed messages that we would use, example messages could be:

Challenge me again if you dare
Beat you fair and square
You beat me fair and square
Try and beat me next time
I will beat you next time
You are my arch rival and I am going to challenge you over and over again
Look forward to more fights with you

This would make the fights a little more interesting and personal, owners would be inclined to participate more.

RE: Goading Messages to Apponents

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th March 2005, 21:24

I am the ghost of Rod Hull give me jelly

RE: Goading Messages to Apponents

daisydog (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 14th March 2005, 00:25

what about"you bounder, you beat me by subterfuge,i believe you are slippier than rod hulls roof" some of the ones mentioned would probably be too strong and upsetting

RE: Goading Messages to Apponents

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Monday, 14th March 2005, 22:53


What the hell has Rod Hull got to do with a gumby?

RE: Goading Messages to Apponents

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 06:16

Nothing that picture is just my signiture it has nothing to do with the messages above it

RE: Goading Messages to Apponents

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 14:54

If we used standard messages, I think its only fair to let eggman write them all.


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