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Gremlins Forum

should i accept or not?

charli2005 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 23rd May 2005, 10:52

43 charli iv charli2005 2043 1943 428

17 Hardnuts Revenge hoochichoochi 155 4050 2732

last fight i had with him i lost but lasted the 20 rounds.

part of me says don`t fight him as he said nasty things about me, my mum, waccoe/i hate and beth but the other part of me says why should i refuse my first fight and at the end of the day it is xp

RE: should i accept or not?

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd May 2005, 11:01

Look at it as it`s your gremlin fighting his gremlim, so accept the challenge, You don`t have to like the owner, Let the gremlins play i say :)


RE: should i accept or not?

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd May 2005, 11:04

Look at it as it`s your gremlin fighting his gremlim, so accept the challenge, You don`t have to like the owner, Let the gremlins play i say :)


RE: should i accept or not?

charli2005 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 23rd May 2005, 21:52

i took your advice yabba dabba and i won!!!! i`m glad i listened to you :)

RE: should i accept or not?

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 04:55

Heh Heh :D Nice one


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