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Gremlins Forum

What I hate

Julesuk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 18th September 2005, 10:17

is when I win a fight and my opponent still manages to get more Xp than me. >:(

Its not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: What I hate

FairyTulip (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 18th September 2005, 12:54

:) I agree.

However you do end up with more points in the long run, the fights generally last longer and are far more interesting too.

RE: What I hate

Julesuk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th September 2005, 21:13

Still not getting any better win after 20 rounds I get 24XP opponent got 71XP GO FIGURE the fairness in that >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

RE: What I hate

FairyTulip (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th September 2005, 21:57

Mmmmmm just had two of those myself. I know it is probably no consolation to know you also got the 10 points for a win but it does help.

RE: What I hate

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th September 2005, 08:31

It`s because the points are now being awarded for damage done, not rounds won - your strength is lower than most, though your dex is higer - so you`re causing less damage but winning lots of rounds.

RJS is going to add some points for rounds won as well which may swing things back your way, but it`s not happened yet.

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