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Gremlins Forum

New Gremlins!!

wezbo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th February 2006, 11:46

why oh why do people create gremlins and don`t fight them, its very frustrating to have created a new one and to find that no-one accepts challenges or challenges me. I can see that RichardH has just created a new one and from fighting him previously with other gremlins i can tell he might experience the same problems as me. Is there a way of killing off inactive gremlins?

a very disgruntled Wezbo

RE: New Gremlins!!

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th February 2006, 13:31

This one keeps coming up.

I tend to click on each Gremlin, and look at when they last fought - if it`s within a couple of days, then I`ll challenge. Hopefully with a few fights under your belt, you`ll float above all the non active gremlins, and onwards and upwards.... (until Gruntfuttock beats you senseless, of course ;))

RE: New Gremlins!!

wezbo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th February 2006, 16:11

i`d love to say its time to avenge those times you pasted vomitor but i don`t seem to be that good at getting maximum experience points - its fun though


RE: New Gremlins!!

CockWolf (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 12th March 2006, 03:44

Cockwolf will fight anyone. anytime, anyplace.
He knows no fear and has endured the most rigourous of training regimes.

I dare you snivelling bum bandits to challenge the Immortal Cockwolf and feel his Mighty wrath upon your sweaty brows. Dust off your tombstones you fannys.

Cockwolf - Taste The difference

RE: New Gremlins!!

wezbo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 12th March 2006, 15:48

be carefull who you call bum bandits and fannys, your type is not welcome around here!


RE: New Gremlins!!

CockWolf (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 13th March 2006, 02:18

a bums a bum and in the us and canada a fanny is also a bum. and a bandit is a criminal, and as far as i can gather a bum bandit is a bandit who steals those bum bags which tourists keep valuables in.
Also known as fanny packs in us.

Cockwolf - Taste The difference

RE: New Gremlins!!

wezbo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 13th March 2006, 09:46

but this website is not in the US fool hence!!!!!

Bring it on

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