Page 1 of What firmware version am I using?

Hack Help Forum

What firmware version am I using?

Mac-g (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 13:08

Can anyone tell me how to find out what firmware version my Philips DVDR880 is using please?

RE: What firmware version am I using?

Gurjinder (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 22:50

if you have just brought your philips DVDR 880 it is probably using the ff11h. to find out go to the system menu go down to the remote symbol then go to the right then click down and read the fourth line down and it should tell you in that line.

Base_sys_20020912_ff11h 2002912_1700yp

RE: What firmware version am I using?

Mac-g (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 7th December 2002, 00:25

Thanks Gurjinder, it reads exactly as you said! Am I right in assuming that this is the lastest version for this machine? If not, where can I get an update please?

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