Page 1 of my philips dvdr 880 will not play Region 2 now

Hack Help Forum

my philips dvdr 880 will not play Region 2 now

andrew654321 (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 17:36

Having put the codes in to change my dvd player into a region 1.the player will not play Regin 2 now so is there any chanse that you could give me the codes to make it regin 2 again or make it milti-regin??????? thanx

RE: my philips dvdr 880 will not play Region 2 now

keygrippa (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 13:47


Your code for returning to Region 2 is 121 212 005 002. Or you can use 121 212 005 255 for region-free.

That may not be the end of the story though. The hacks worked for me BUT - my 880 is now being decidedly naughty.

I have restored the code for region 2 and NEARLY all my region 2 disks work fine..... but NEWER disks such as my Region 2 `Back to the Future` trilogy disks are now usually not recognised at all. Pop them in and the machine says `NO DISK`. If you swap them in and out with other region 2`s, power up and power down etc, you can eventually get the little beast to recognise them. The same problem occurs whether the machine is set to region 2 or region-free.

This is not just coincidence, for worse is to come... the DVDR cannot be persuaded to read my Region 2 `Attack of the Clones` disk at all. It just sits there and stupidly reports `no disk` no matter what I do. Yet if I then put in an older region 2 DVD, the 880 reads it straight away.

Naturally, these disks worked perfectly before I messed with the hack. I am guessing here, but since the problem disks are very new, is this due to the 880 being confused by some enhanced copy protection?

This is very annoying. Does anyone else share these problems? Is there any smart person who can help me with this?

RE: my philips dvdr 880 will not play Region 2 now

andrew654321 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th January 2003, 18:20

It work now so thanx so for the help i will bry see a drink if i ever see you. thanx again

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